Forum Discussion

NathanNieman's avatar
10 years ago

Not using all 10 tape drives keeps saying pick from 0-5

I have a IBMTS3310.  I have 10 drives and up to say a week or two ago I have been able to use all 10 drives.   Server is windows 2008 R2 SP1 Master/Media is the same server Netbackup 7.5....
  • Marianne's avatar
    10 years ago

    No update in 4 days....

    I see 3 robots attached to this media server with 46 drives in total.
    Sure one media server can handle this many devices?

    10 drives across the 3 robots are in use on the media server. (well, they were in use when vmoprcmd output was taken...)

    Robot 1 may have 10 drives, but they are not all of same density - mix of hcart2 and 3:

    robot      1    -    TLD    -       -  -          -                     {3,0,2,1}
      drive    -    2 hcart2    7      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.000   {2,0,3,0}                        
      drive    -    3 hcart2    1      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.001   {2,0,4,0}                        
      drive    -    4 hcart2    5      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.002   {2,0,6,0}                        
      drive    -    6 hcart3    5  DISABL  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.004   MISSING_PATH:{2,0,6,0}:106808697 
      drive    -    8 hcart3    6      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.005   {3,0,1,0}                        
      drive    -    9 hcart3   10      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.006   {3,0,2,0}                        
      drive    -   10 hcart3    8      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.007   {3,0,3,0}                        
      drive    -   11 hcart3    2      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.008   {3,0,4,0}                        
      drive    -   12 hcart3    4      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.009   {3,0,5,0}                        
      drive    -   45 hcart2    3      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.010   {2,0,5,0}      

    4 x hcart2
    6 x hcart3 (of which one has MISSING PATH).
    That leaves 5 usable hcart3 drives in TLD(1).

    So, you need to change STU  uns40-88-hcart3-robot-tld-1 to have 5 drives.
    (Update to 6 when MISSING PATH is fixed.)

    Create another STU: uns40-88-hcart2-robot-tld-1 with 4 drives and hcart2 density.