Disable AutoFailOver from stopping services
I have several services that I am monitoring that are set to autofailover to a seconds system. It has some up that occasionally I need to restart a service without HA failing over to another system. I can disable the failover from happening using the following command hagrp -modify App_Cluster AutoFailOver 0 However what happens is that if the service is stopped HA continues to shutdown all the other services that are up. I was researching and I cam across disabling the Evacuate on HA, but even with it disabled, it still shuts down the other services. hagrp -modify App_Cluster Evacuate 0 I want the other services to continue to run even if one went down for some reason. What is the best way to accomplish this?Solved1.9KViews3likes4CommentsIntegrating SAP with VCS 6.2 (on Oracle Linux 6.5)
Hi, I was wondering if someone has some additional information regarding how to setup my cluster... I have both VCS (inclusing Storage Foundation) and Linux knowledge. I do however have no background in SAP. And as SAP is a very complex product, I can not see the forest because of the trees... Setup 2 node (active-passive) cluster of Oracle Linux 6.5 nodes. Veritas Storage Foundation HA (= VxVM + DMP + VCS). Oracle 11.2 as database. SAP ECC 6.0 Apart from the Installation & Configuration guide on the SAP NetWeaver Agent, I found little information about implementing SAP in VCS. Source: "Symantec™ High Availability Agent for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux 6.2". But unfortunately I can not find a howto, guide or whatever from Symantec, nor from the usual Google attempts. My customer is however also not very SAP knowledged. From what I understand it is a very basic SAP setup, if not the simplest. They are using SAP ECC6.0 and an Oracle 11.2 database. So I assume they are just having a Central Instance and the Database. After some Google resource, I found out that SAP ECC 6.0 is technically a SAP NetWeaver 7.0. On Symantec SORT, I found 3 versions of SAP NetWeaver. I downloaded the first one, as the descripton says: SAP NetWeaver SAP NetWeaver 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 SAP NetWeaver 7.1, 7.3 Agent: SAPNW04 Application version(s): SAP R/3 4.6, R/3 Enterprise 4.7, NW04, NW04s, ERP/ECC 5.0/6.0, SCM/APO 4.1/5.0/5.1/7.0, SRM 4.0/5.0/7.0, CRM 4.0/5.0/7.0 Source: https://sort.symantec.com/agents/detail/1077 SAP ERP 2005 = SAP NetWeaver 2004s (BASIS 7.00) = ECC 6.0 Source: http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/itanswers/difference-bet-ecc-60-sap-r3-47/ Source: http://www.fasttrackph.com/sap-ecc-6-0/ Source : http://wulibi.blogspot.be/2010/03/what-is-sap-ecc-60-in-brief.html Currently I have this setup unfinshed: Installed & configured Storage Foundation HA on both nodes. Instaled the ACC Libraries on both nodes. see: https://sort.symantec.com/agents/detail/1183 Installed the SAP NetWeaver Agent on both nodes. see: https://sort.symantec.com/agents/detail/1077 Configured next to the CusterServiceGroup, 3 Service Groups: SG_sap the shared storage Resources: DiskGroup + Volumes + Mount. the SAPNW Agent Resource. SG_oracle the shared storage Resources: DiskGroup + Volumes + Mount the Oracle Agent Resurce. SG_nfs still empty. SAPNW Agent. SAP instance type The SAPNW Agent documentation states: The agent supports the following SAP instance types: Central Services Instance Application Server Instance Enqueue Replication Server Instance. Source: "Symantec™ High Availability Agent for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux 6.2" But I guess the SAP ECC 6.0 has them all in one central instance, right? So I only need one SAPNW Agent. How is the SAP installed: only ABAP only Java add-in (both ABAP and Java). Source: "Symantec™ High Availability Agent for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux 6.2" I have no idea. How can I find this out? InstName Attribute Another thing is the InstName Attribute. This also does not correspond with the information I have. My SAP intance is T30. So the syntax is correct more or less, but it isn't listed below. Which is important also to decide on the value for the ProcMon Attribute The SAPSID and InstName form a unique identifier that can identify the processes running for a particular instance. Some examples of SAP instances are given as follows: InstName = InstType DVEBMGS00 = SAP Application Server - ABAP (Primary) D01 SAP = Application Server - ABAP (Additional) ASCS02 = SAP Central Services - ABAP J03 = SAP Application Server - Java SCS04 = SAP Central Services - Java ERS05 = SAP Enqueue Replication Server SMDA97 = Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent Source: "Symantec™ High Availability Agent for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux 6.2" In the listing of the required attributes it is also stated. However, the default value is CENTRAL. I guess this is correct in my case? InstName Attribute: An identifier that classifies and describes the SAP server instance type. Valid values are: APPSERV: SAP Application Server ENQUEUE: SAP Central Services ENQREP: Enqueue Replication Server SMDAGENT: Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent SAPSTARTSRV: SAPSTARTSRV Process Note: The value of this attribute is not case-sensitive. Type and dimension: string-scalar Default: APPSERV Example: ENQUEUE EnqSrvResName Attribute A required attribute is the EnqSrvResName Attribute. The documentation says this should be the Resource Name for the SAP Central Instance. But I am assuming I only have a SAP Central Instance. So I guess I should use the name of my SAP Agent Resouce from my SAP Service Group? EnqSrvResName Attribute: The name of the VCS resource for SAP Central Services (A)SCS Instance. This attribute is used by Enqueue and Enqueue Replication Server. Using this attribute the Enqueue server queries the Enqueue Replication Server resource state while determining the fail over target and vice a versa. Type and dimension: string-scalar Default: No default value Example: SAP71-PI1SCS_sap Source: "Symantec™ High Availability Agent for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux 6.2" Is anyone able to help me out? Thanks in advance.Solved2.4KViews2likes9CommentsSymantec ApplicationHA 6.2: Monitoring applications with Intelligent Monitoring Framework
Symantec ApplicationHA 6.2: Monitoring applications with Intelligent Monitoring Framework Introduced in this release, the Intelligent Monitoring Framework (IMF) feature improves ApplicationHA efficiency with: Faster detection of application faults Ability to monitor a large number of application components, with minimal effect on performance IMF is automatically enabled, if you use the Symantec High Availability Wizard to configure an application for monitoring. The feature was introduced in ApplicationHA 6.1 for Windows. In ApplicationHA 6.2, it is extended to AIX, Linux, and Solaris. For details, see the following topics: How intelligent monitoring works: AIX, Linux (KVM), Linux (VMware), and Solaris. Enabling debug logs for IMF: AIX, Linux (KVM), Linux (VMware), and Solaris. Gathering IMF information for support analysis: AIX, Linux (KVM), Linux (VMware), and Solaris. This release introduces IMF support for the folloing ApplicationHA agents: Apache HTTP Server DB2 Database (not applicable to Oracle VM Server for SPARC environment) Oracle Database Generic (custom) applications The following topics describe how to use the Symantec High Availability wizard to configure each supported application for IMF-enabled monitoring: Configuring application monitoring for Apache: AIX, Linux (KVM), Linux (VMware), and Solaris. Configuring application monitoring for DB2: AIX, Linux (KVM), and (Linux (VMware). Configuring application monitoring for Oracle: AIX, Linux (KVM), (Linux (VMware), and Solaris. Configuring application monitoring for generic applications: AIX, Linux (KVM), (Linux (VMware), and Solaris. You can use Symantec Cluster Server (VCS) commands to perform more advanced IMF actions. ApplicationHA and VCS documentation is available on the SORT website.468Views2likes0CommentsSDRO 6.1: How to configure SQL Server for disaster recovery or migration to Microsoft Azure
Symantec Disaster Recovery Orchestrator 6.1 (SDRO) lets you configure your on-premises SQL Server 2008 R2 or 2012 instances for disaster recovery (DR) or migration to the Microsoft Azure cloud. You need to make identical SQL Server configurations, including users and privileges, on the on-premises and the cloud hosts. The Disaster Recovery Orchestrator Configuration Wizard lets you select the SQL Server instances that you want to configure for monitoring and the detail monitoring options as well. The wizard detects the application data folders and automatically selects them for replication. For more information, refer to the following guides: Symantec Disaster Recovery Orchestrator 6.1 Agent for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Configuration Guide Symantec Disaster Recovery Orchestrator 6.1 Agent for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Configuration Guide Additional SDRO documentation can be found on the SORT website.520Views2likes0CommentsSFHA Solutions 6.1: Using AdaptiveHA to select the largest system for failover
Symantec Cluster Server (VCS) service groups are virtual containers that manage groups of resources required to run a managed application. The FailOverPolicy service group attribute governs how VCS determines the target system for failover. For more information, see About service groups Service group attributes Cluster attributes About defining failover policies When you set FailOverPolicy to BiggestAvailable, AdaptiveHA enables VCS to dynamically select the cluster node with the most available resources to fail over an application. VCS monitors and forecasts the unused capacity of systems in terms of CPU, Memory, and Swap, to select the largest available system. If you set FailOverPolicy to BiggestAvailable for a service group, you must specify the load values in terms such as, 1 CPU, 1GB RAM, and 1GB SWAP, in the Load service group attribute. You only need to specify those resources that are used by the service group. For example, if the service group does not use the Swap resource, only specify the CPU and Memory resources in the Load attribute. Note: The Load FailOverPolicy is being deprecated after this release. Symantec recommends that you change to the BiggestAvailable FailOverPolicy for enabling AdaptiveHA. For more information, see About AdaptiveHA Enabling AdaptiveHA for a service group If you upgrade VCS manually, ensure that you update the VCS configuration file (main.cf) to enable AdaptiveHA. When you upgrade from an older version of VCS using the installer, the main.cf file gets automatically upgraded. For more information, see Manually upgrading the VCS configuration file to the latest version VCS documentation for other platforms and releases can be found on the SORT website.491Views2likes0CommentsNo Valid Disk Found Error
I am using Veritas Replication on Windows Server 2008 R2, Everyday at bootup in the morning, there is an error in event viewer, the error is: vx boot: Disk group usb: Cannot auto-import group: No valid disk found containing disk group. I am not able to identify the actual reason behind the above error.643Views2likes1CommentDo I really want to script my application availability in today’s virtual world?
It’s that time of year again; my car needs a service to ready it for the coming winter. It’s only August and around 25°C here in the UK. It’s amazing how quick the weather turns these days; on comes the wind and the rain and before you know it there are signs for Halloween and Christmas in the shops.213Views1like0CommentsNeed way to create VCS group attributes
We have long been able to create new VCS resource attributes using hatype and haattr commands. We would like to be able to create new group attributes. In our particular use case, we would like to create a temporary group attribute called SleepMonitor that someone with operator privileges can update. (similar to the TFrozen group attribute) We would set SleepMonitor to an integer time() value that specifies when our custom monitoring script will stop ignoring the state of a service group and alert the GroupOwner when something is wrong. We want this attribute to be temporary so that it doesn't clutter up main.cf or require main.cf to be updated when a user wants to sleep monitoring. The group attribute UserIntGlobal could work if it wasn't a permanent attribute requiring the VCS configuration to be open to modify it using administrator privileges. From time to time we come up with other ideas of things we could do that require new group attributes to be created. Having the ability to create new group attributes would be phenomenal. -SeannSolved1.4KViews1like1CommentVirtual Machine Does Not Exist Error
Hi, I am using Application HA 6.0 with Veritas 6.0.5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5. I am following this user guide: http://kbdownload.symantec.com/resources/sites/BUSINESS/content/live/DOCUMENTATION/5000/DOC5106/en_US/appha_userguide_60_lin_kvm.pdf?__gda__=1429210399_5eb5a02820d1e9abf4c20cf90c19f37e When I get to here: hasys -value VirtGuest ConnectionState I get an error that the Virtual Machine does not exist. The output of the command: hares -value virt_name CEInfo Looks ok and I can see the hostname of the server. Also the Virtual Machine has been added as a KVM resource. I can see that the system has been successfully registered for Application HA: ./enable_applicationha -status virt_name VIRTUAL MACHINES REGISTRATION virt_name.................................................................................................................................................... Registered On a previous project a couple of years ago I can see the following line in main.cf: virtualsystem VirtGuest ( ) However this line is missing from the main.cf this time. However I really cannot remember what I did different. So my question is; how do I add a virtualsystem to the cluster? Which step should add this? Thanks for your help!1.2KViews1like1Comment