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sanderfiers's avatar
10 years ago

Integrating SAP with VCS 6.2 (on Oracle Linux 6.5)


I was wondering if someone has some additional information regarding how to setup my cluster...

I have both VCS (inclusing Storage Foundation) and Linux knowledge. I do however have no background in SAP.
And as SAP is a very complex product, I can not see the forest because of the trees...

2 node (active-passive) cluster of Oracle Linux 6.5 nodes.
Veritas Storage Foundation HA (= VxVM + DMP + VCS).
Oracle 11.2 as database.  SAP ECC 6.0

Apart from the Installation & Configuration guide on the SAP NetWeaver Agent, I found little information about implementing SAP in VCS.
Source: "Symantec™ High Availability Agent for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux 6.2".
But unfortunately I can not find a howto, guide or whatever from Symantec, nor from the usual Google attempts.

My customer is however also not very SAP knowledged. From what I understand it is a very basic SAP setup, if not the simplest.
They are using SAP ECC6.0 and an Oracle 11.2 database. So I assume they are just having a Central Instance and the Database.

After some Google resource, I found out that SAP ECC 6.0 is technically a SAP NetWeaver 7.0.
On Symantec SORT, I found 3 versions of SAP NetWeaver. I downloaded the first one, as the descripton says:

  • SAP NetWeaver
  • SAP NetWeaver 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • SAP NetWeaver 7.1, 7.3

Agent: SAPNW04
Application version(s): SAP R/3 4.6, R/3 Enterprise 4.7, NW04, NW04s, ERP/ECC 5.0/6.0,
                                 SCM/APO 4.1/5.0/5.1/7.0, SRM 4.0/5.0/7.0, CRM 4.0/5.0/7.0

SAP ERP 2005 = SAP NetWeaver 2004s (BASIS 7.00) =  ECC 6.0
Source :

Currently I have this setup unfinshed:

  • Installed & configured Storage Foundation HA on both nodes.
  • Instaled the ACC Libraries on both nodes.
  • Installed the SAP NetWeaver Agent on both nodes.
  • Configured next to the CusterServiceGroup, 3 Service Groups:
    • SG_sap
      • the shared storage Resources: DiskGroup + Volumes + Mount.
      • the SAPNW Agent Resource.
    • SG_oracle
      • the shared storage Resources: DiskGroup + Volumes + Mount
      • the Oracle Agent Resurce.
    • SG_nfs
      • still empty.

SAPNW Agent.

SAP instance type

The SAPNW Agent documentation states:

The agent supports the following SAP instance types:

  • Central Services Instance
  • Application Server Instance
  • Enqueue Replication Server Instance.

Source: "Symantec™ High Availability Agent for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux 6.2"

But I guess the SAP ECC 6.0 has them all in one central instance, right? So I only need one SAPNW Agent.

How is the SAP installed:

  • only ABAP
  • only Java
  • add-in (both ABAP and Java).

Source: "Symantec™ High Availability Agent for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux 6.2"

I have no idea. How can I find this out?

InstName Attribute

Another thing is the InstName Attribute. This also does not correspond with the information I have. My SAP intance is T30. So the syntax is correct more or less, but it isn't listed below. Which is important also to decide on the value for the ProcMon Attribute

The SAPSID and InstName form a unique identifier that can identify the processes
running for a particular instance. Some examples of SAP instances are given as follows:

  • InstName = InstType
  • DVEBMGS00 = SAP Application Server - ABAP (Primary)
  • D01 SAP = Application Server - ABAP (Additional)
  • ASCS02 = SAP Central Services - ABAP
  • J03 = SAP Application Server - Java
  • SCS04 = SAP Central Services - Java
  • ERS05 = SAP Enqueue Replication Server
  • SMDA97 = Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent

Source: "Symantec™ High Availability Agent for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux 6.2"

In the listing of the required attributes it is also stated. However, the default value is CENTRAL. I guess this is correct in my case?

InstName Attribute:

An identifier that classifies and describes the SAP server instance type. Valid values are:

  • APPSERV: SAP Application Server
  • ENQUEUE: SAP Central Services
  • ENQREP: Enqueue Replication Server
  • SMDAGENT: Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent

Note: The value of this attribute is not case-sensitive.
Type and dimension: string-scalar
Default: APPSERV
Example: ENQUEUE


EnqSrvResName Attribute

A required attribute is the EnqSrvResName Attribute. The documentation says this should be the Resource Name for the SAP Central Instance.
But I am assuming I only have a SAP Central Instance. So I guess I should use the name of my SAP Agent Resouce from my SAP Service Group?

EnqSrvResName Attribute:

  • The name of the VCS resource for SAP Central Services (A)SCS Instance. This attribute is used by Enqueue and Enqueue
    Replication Server. Using this attribute the Enqueue server queries the Enqueue Replication Server resource state while
    determining the fail over target and vice a versa.
  • Type and dimension: string-scalar
  • Default: No default value
  • Example: SAP71-PI1SCS_sap

Source: "Symantec™ High Availability Agent for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux 6.2"


Is anyone able to help me out? Thanks in advance.

  • The 6.2 agent is a different agent - this is agent found at which has desc:

    Agent: SAPNW
    Application name: SAP NetWeaver with HA-API support
    Application version(s): PI, CE, Mobile, ERP, SRM, CRM, SCM with SAP Kernel 7.20 DCK
    Application components: Application Server, Enqueue, Enqueue Replication, Solution Manager Diagnosis Agent


    and the agent name is SAPNW - pdf:  vcs_sapnw_install.pdf

    Where as the one you have installed is:

    Agent: SAPNW04
    Application name: SAP NetWeaver
    Application version(s): SAP R/3 4.6, R/3 Enterprise 4.7, NW04, NW04s, ERP/ECC 5.0/6.0, SCM/APO 4.1/5.0/5.1/7.0, SRM 4.0/5.0/7.0, CRM 4.0/5.0/7.0
    Application components: Central Inst,Dialong Instance,Enqueue,Enqueue Replication,Java and Add-In support,

    and the agent name is SAPNW04 - pdf: vcs_sapnetweaver_install.pdf

    I have brought this up with Symantec before that the names of the agents and the docs are very confusing as the "About the agent" in the pdf does not properly distinguish the agent from other SAP agents as the above desc do from SORT

    The EnqSrvResName is not a required attribute - again bad documentation - this is only required if you are using Enqueue Replication.  The GUI's have the same issue with required attributes as the XML that describes required attributes does not have the abilty to say "this attribute is required if other attribute is set to X" and so you will find that the GUI says attibutes are required when they are not.





  • We have SAP clustered using the SAPNW04 agent and I know nothing aboth SAP, so below are our 6 clusters with first how SAP team describe cluster and second the resouces configured in VCS:

    Cluster 1: Netweaver portal: Java only

        Type: jenque Instance: SCS81 ProcMon: en ms
        Type: sapcentral Instance: JC80 ProcMon: jc
        Type: sapdialog Instance: J80 ProcMon: jc
        Type: sapenquerep Instance: ERS84 ProcMon: er

    Cluster 2: Netweaver portal: Java only

        Type: central Instance: JC01 ProcMon: jc
        Type: dialog Instance: J02 ProcMon: jc
        Type: jenqueue Instance: SCS00 ProcMon: en ms

    Cluster 3: ECC: Java + ABAP

        Type: sapaenque Instance: ASCS72 ProcMon: en ms
        Type: sapcentral Instance: DVEBMGS70 ProcMon: dw se co jc
        Type: sapdialog Instance: D70 ProcMon: dw se jc
        Type: sapjenque Instance: SCS71 ProcMon: en ms

    Cluster 4: ECC: ABAP Only

        Type: aenqueue Instance: ASCS00 ProcMon: en ms
        Type: central Instance: DVEBMGS01 ProcMon: co dw se

    Cluster 5: ECC: ABAP Only

        Type: central Instance: DVEBMGS10 ProcMon: co dw ms se

    Cluster 6: ECC: ABAP Only

        Type: central Instance: DVEBMGS69 ProcMon: dw ms


    If you get SAP team to start manually and look at processes owned by SAP user then you should see processes that start with 2 letters following by a "." so for cluster 2 I see:

    en.sapXX1_SCS00 pf=/usr/sap/ ...
    jc.sapXX1_JC01 pf=/usr/sap/ ...
    ms.sapXX1_SCS00 pf=/usr/sap/ ...
    jc.sapXX1_J02 pf=/usr/sap/ ...

    and for some clusters I see multiple processes so for cluster 5 I see loads of "dw" processes.


    I hope this helps



  • Hi Mike,

    Yes that helps a bit, thanks.

    Since they are using ECC, I assume cluster 1 and 2 are oveboard.
    I noticed DVEBMGSxx logfiles on the server, so there are using ABAP for sure?
    Now, I only have to find out if they are using Java as well or not.

    As far as I know they are only using a Central Instance directed to one Oracle instance.
    So if I would guess, I would put my money on cluster 5 or 6.


  • I would ask SAP team to start SAP maually and see what processes you see.  For my clusters, the SAP processes are all in format as above like "en.sapXX1_SCS00", so I can get instance name and processes for  cluster 5 (or any cluster) as follows:

     ps -u sap_user -eo args | awk '$1 ~ /^[a-z][a-z]\./  {split($1,dot,".");split($1,us,"_");print us[2], dot[1]}' | sort -u
    DVEBMGS10 co
    DVEBMGS10 dw
    DVEBMGS10 ms
    DVEBMGS10 se

    And then you can consult SAP admin guide to see what SAP type is, so above I have "ms" so must be Central or Enqueue, but I don't have an "en" so must be central and all other proccesses are in Central too.



  • Hi Mike,

    When looking at SAP processes, here is the output:

    DVEBMGS30 co
    DVEBMGS30 dw
    DVEBMGS30 ms
    DVEBMGS30 se
    DVEBMGS30 ig

    As you can see it's almost the same as your Cluster 5.

    I also have "ms" so I conclude it must also be Central or Enqueue. But I also do not have an "en", so must be central. Is it safe to say the other processes are in Central too? Because I have a 'ig' in addition.

    So when looking IntanceName "DVEBMGS30", I can retrieve that the InstanceType is a "SAP Application Server - ABAP (Primary)".

    To configure the ProcMon Attribute.

    According table 2-3 on pg 26 of the "Symantec™ High Availability Agent for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration Guide 6.2 for Linux" I can retireve my setup is the first record.
    The SAP Installation type is "ABAP" and the SAP intance type is "APPSERV" so the Value of the ProcMon attribute should be: "dw (ig co se gwrd icman are optional)".
    Does it mean it's not necessary to include to optionals, because they will be automaticly monitorred? Or is it better to also include them to check on those as well?
    And what about "ms", which is not listed in the first record of the table?


    How many SAPNW Resources?

    I am a bit confused now regarding the amount of SAPNW Resources.

    • Do I only need 1x SAPNW Resource?
      For the Application Server?
    • Or do I need 2x SAPNW Resources?
      One for the Application Server and one for the Central Instance?

    I guess only one. Because the Application Server is IN the Central Instance, right (APPSRV)?

  • You should have one resource created as follows:

    InstType:  Central
    InstName: DVEBMGS30
    ProcMon:  dw ms ig co se


    I have downloaded VCS 6.2 agent

    and I can't find any reference to APPSERV on page 26 - there is a "Add-In (ABAP +Java)" with inst type of Dialog which has mandatory "dw jc" and optional "ig se gwrd icman", but you do not have a jc process, so it can't be this.


  • Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Agent documentation

    Regarding your link. You state 6.2 but inside the PDF it is not 6.2, but 5.0.
    When I open your link, it refers to version 5.0 (see main page of the PDF and the agent version)

    • In the PDF for version 5.0 it's on page 25, not 26.
      And there, the first record is indeed CENTRAL, not APPSERV.
    • In the PDF for version 6.2 it's on page 26.
      And there, the first record is APPSERV. And the IntanceType CENTRAL isn't even listed.

    To view that, follow this (I am pretty sure, you would know, but anyway...):

    • Open
    • For Agent Type, select "Application Agent"
    • For Application, select "SAP NetWeaver".
    • For Release, select "VCS 6.2"
    • For Platform, select "Oracle Linux"
    • For Architecture, select "x86-64"
    • On the bottom of the page, the link "Oracle Linux 6 VCS 6.2 x86-64"
      should appear. Open this.
    • A new page opens for the agent: "SAPNW04. Linux"
    • On the bottom of he page, there is the documentation: "VCS Sapnetweaver Install"
      But inside the PDF it's also version 5.0 and not 6.2, strange...

    I have the PDF for version 6.2 locally on my pc. Strange that it's wrong on SORT.
    Maybee I got the PDF for version 6.2 from the Agent Pack 2Q2015.

    SAP architecture

    I finally got somebody who is managing the SAP at the customer.
    It has been clarified we only have a Central Instance. And it's ABAP only.


  • The VCS agent framework has not changed since 5.0 and hence I guess Symantec decided to keep the agent version at 5.0 as it is the same agent whether you use VCS 5.x or 6.x, but I beleive 5.0.16 is the version to use with VCS 6.2 as at

    This link is for RHEL 6, but the document is exactly the same as the one if you download the Oracle Linux vers using your instructions above which takes you to - i.e they both download 5.0.16 version with same chksum.

    I have not seen a 6.2 agent version, so if you find a link for this (without having to download whole agent pack) let me know.

    In theory the agent version should be in the xml file in the agent directory (/opt/VRSTagents) on your cluster nodes, but Symantec are pretty poor at updating this file, so might not reflect the correct version.

    Also what version does the package installer say it is in Linux (rpm or equiv if Oracle Linux is different)


  • Hi Mike,

    Since the date is March 2015, I believe it is indeed within the documentation of the Agent Pack 2Q2015.

    Anyway, if you google "Symantec™ High Availability Agent for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration Guide AIX, Linux, Solaris 6.2" you will find the PDF as the first hit. To make life easier, you can open the link below:

    First hit on Google for 6.2

    On pg 2, you'll notice the Agent Version is 6.2.

    Agent Version: 6.2
    Document version: 6.2 Rev 1

    If you look at the table on pg 26 (but actually starting on pg 25), you will notice there is no "CENTRAL" InstanceType listed, but "APPSERV". That's why I was confused about using "CENTRAL" as an InstanceType.

    On the host I instaled SAPNW Agent version (like correctly listed on SORT).
    The parent folder from the rpm was "HA_ag_sap_agent_5.0.16.0_VCS6.2_OracleLinux_x86-64.tar"
    But I must admit I used the seperate SAP NW Agent Package, and not the bundled Q2 2015 Agent Pack.

    root@kevin /sander/sap_agent/rpms> rpm -ihv VRTSsapnw04-


    EnqSrvResName Attribute

    A required attribute is the EnqSrvResName Attribute. The documentation says this should be the Resource Name for the SAP Central Instance. But I am assuming I only have a SAP Central Instance. So I guess I should use the name of my SAP Agent Resouce from my SAP Service Group?

  • The 6.2 agent is a different agent - this is agent found at which has desc:

    Agent: SAPNW
    Application name: SAP NetWeaver with HA-API support
    Application version(s): PI, CE, Mobile, ERP, SRM, CRM, SCM with SAP Kernel 7.20 DCK
    Application components: Application Server, Enqueue, Enqueue Replication, Solution Manager Diagnosis Agent


    and the agent name is SAPNW - pdf:  vcs_sapnw_install.pdf

    Where as the one you have installed is:

    Agent: SAPNW04
    Application name: SAP NetWeaver
    Application version(s): SAP R/3 4.6, R/3 Enterprise 4.7, NW04, NW04s, ERP/ECC 5.0/6.0, SCM/APO 4.1/5.0/5.1/7.0, SRM 4.0/5.0/7.0, CRM 4.0/5.0/7.0
    Application components: Central Inst,Dialong Instance,Enqueue,Enqueue Replication,Java and Add-In support,

    and the agent name is SAPNW04 - pdf: vcs_sapnetweaver_install.pdf

    I have brought this up with Symantec before that the names of the agents and the docs are very confusing as the "About the agent" in the pdf does not properly distinguish the agent from other SAP agents as the above desc do from SORT

    The EnqSrvResName is not a required attribute - again bad documentation - this is only required if you are using Enqueue Replication.  The GUI's have the same issue with required attributes as the XML that describes required attributes does not have the abilty to say "this attribute is required if other attribute is set to X" and so you will find that the GUI says attibutes are required when they are not.
