Forum Discussion

chriswilkes33's avatar
4 years ago

upgrade from 8.1.2 to fails pre-check java_key_store fingerprint check

During an attempted upgrade from NetBackup 8.1.2 on RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.9 to Netbackup, the precheck critical checks fails the check for java_key_store fingerprints with the error: n...
  • chriswilkes33's avatar
    4 years ago

    So what this came down to was the fact that I use the NB Compnent Update utility to keep the JRE updated between releases. This caused the fingerprint to be messed up. I reinstalled the original 8.1.2 and then was able to immediately upgrade to 

    Janky, but I am at least able to upgrade. If anyone has tips on how to keep the JRE updated between releases in a way that wont break future upgrades would be nice.