Forum Discussion

milty99's avatar
Level 4
15 years ago

A deduplication storage folder with that name already exists

Hi I have had a setup of BE 2010 trail version setup in a test environment. I had Deduplication working to a local storage folder. I then reinstalled Backup Exec 2010 (trial version). I now ge...
  • Beav's avatar
    14 years ago

    I know this is old but wanted to put my fix out there for other frustrated Admins out there looking for solution.


    I connected to the database using SQL Server Management studio and conncected using Servername\bkupexec

    I first created a backup using Managemnt Studio.

    I found information about the original DeDup Storage Drive in 2 tables in the BEDB database

    In the dbo.Drive table I found mention of DeviceID's that had a name of Puredisk and some that had dedup in the name. I went to remove them but to do that I first had to remove the devices in the dbo.MachineDevice table with matching ID's where machineID = DeviceID.

    I then restarted the machine for good measure , and was then able to recreate the DeDupe volume with no issue.