Restoring a UEFI based system With Symantec System Recovery 2013
New Symantec System Recovery 2013 supports the Backup and Restore of UEFI based system. The following document is intended to walk through the restore procedure of UEFI based systems. The following screenshot gives a glimpse of disk structure of a UEFI based system:Symantec System Recovery Linux 2013 commands set
Hi All, In this blog you will get introduce to product Symantec System Recovery Linux edition 2013 commands. This can be used to quickly refer available commands product offers. For more details on prerequisites, examples and features details please refer user guide symsrl.pdf which comes along with product.Opciones y desafíos de migración de Windows Server 2003, parte 1
El 14 de julio de 2015, Microsoft finalizará el soporte para todas las versiones de Windows Server 2003. Esto significa que Microsoft ya no proporcionará soporte, parches de seguridad ni actualizaciones de software para este producto. ¿Cuáles son los riesgos de seguir ejecutando Windows Server 2003 cuando deje de tener soporte?Desafios e opções da migração do Windows Server 2003 - Parte 1
No dia 14 de julho de 2015, a Microsoft encerrará o suporte para todas as versões do Windows Server 2003. Isso significa que, a partir dessa data, a Microsoft não fornecerá mais suporte, patches de segurança ou atualizações de software para esse produto. Quais são os riscos de continuar a executar o Windows Server 2003 após o encerramento do suporte?Beta Program for Symantec System Recovery 2013 R2 release
We are happy to announce the Beta Program for Symantec™ System Recovery 2013 R2 release. We are seeking Symantec System Recovery customers who are interested in testing, validating and actively providing feedback on Symantec System Recovery code within their lab and/or production environments.Powershell Scripting support in SSR 2013
Symantec system recovery 2013 supports powershell based scripting. There are 25 powershell scripts which will help user in automating their environment. These scripts are located on the install media at the following location : \DOCS\AUTOMATION\POWERSHELLSCRIPTS