Forum Discussion

Giuliano_Rodrig's avatar
11 years ago

Licensing for point in time copy on Oracle RAC

In my organization we have Oracle RAC running on RedHat Enterprise Linux and need to create a policy of data protection with continuous data protection.   It is possible to do using only the Stor...
  • Clifford_Barcli's avatar
    11 years ago

    Question first.  You mention the phrase "continuous protection".  Do you mean snapshots, or, do you mean something else like the various continous protection products out there which track changes at the block level to create, for all intensive purposes, continous snapshots.


    If you need to snapshot Oracle RAC, then, your need SF for Oracle RAC.


    Regarding the three products you mention, appreviated SF Enterprise, SF for Oracle RAC, and SF HA.


    SF Enterpirse provides for storage virtualization including snapshots along with specfic enhancements for Oracle i.e. Oracle Smart Tier (storage tiering at the Oracle object level).


    SF HA Enterprise add clustering (VCS).  Perfrect for making single instance Oracle highly available. 


    SF for Oracle RAC adds specific code to interact correctly with Oracle RAC inlcuding Cluster File System.


    Onc can add Veritas Replicator (VR) to any of the above to provide for replication.

    One can add "DR" to SFHA ie SF HA/DR  or SF HA/DR for Oracle RAC to add wide-area failover capabilities.


    Hope this helps.