Forum Discussion

TSMichaelHo's avatar
2 months ago

Veritas NetBackup error 4748 after upgrading Appliance server to 5.1.1

Hi everyone, 

I have recently upgraded my Veritas NetBackup Applicance to 5.1.1 

I am using Nutanix along with NetBackup. I have encounter issue when I doing backup which give me the Error code: (4748) Unable to retrieve the VM (Java console).

I have checked my Virtual Machine Servers credential which is correct.  

Media Server is using Master server's Certificate which expire at 2069.

SSL Certificate is external for webui. Webui have no issue adding Nutanix cluster with the same credential.

Will appreciate your help. 

6 Replies

  • if you are facing this issue for all VMs, from webui (Nutanix only supports web ui), try to discover the VM on Nutanix cluster, are you able to do that?
    you can see all virtual machines under each cluster? if you are not able to discover, check the prerequisite, it could be something could be missing (a firewall port etc)
    if you are using a policy to protect your Nutanix, try to validate the policy  via below command (from master server)
    <NetBackup path>/bin/admincmd/bpclient -M <master server name> -policy <policy name> -validate

    try to share the details status of the job here as well.

    • BobbyXu's avatar
      Level 4
      Replying on behalf of TSMichaelHo

      We do actually have 2 nutanix cluster
      One has full upgrade and is working fine, java console does support nutanix

      This is regards to the 2nd cluster
      The validation command that you post we have tried previously and it fail the validate.

      Btw for Webui, it is able to add nutanix cluster

      And for Policy Job Failure with Error Code
      (4748) Unable to retrieve the VM.
  • Hi,
    can you try the validate from web UI and let me know if it is showing you validate, if yes, are you able to see all virtual machines under the virtual machines (look at attached Picture).
    You have mentioned that one cluster is full upgrade, can you elaborate a bit more about that ?


    • BobbyXu's avatar
      Level 4
      We have 2 system so there is 2 cluster
      The other system which netbackup upgraded from 8.2 > 10.1.1 and appliance 3.2 > > 5.1.1 successfully and have no such issue.