Forum Discussion

Nayabsk's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

Symantec AppHA doubt

Hi all,

I need to understand Symantec AppHA can help me with the latest documentation to refer as well as the compatibility, prerequisites etc... And also how it differs from VmWare AppHA.



  • Hi Nayab,


    You will find various docs (like Product Guide, compatilibity list etc) in SORT at:


    In the "Products" list, select "ApplicationHA".


    We have some analysis on Symantec ApplicationHA differs with (and better than) VMware AppHA.

    Let me check, if there is any doc/ppt on this, in pulic domain.

  • Did you check out it has a very detailed comparision between the solutions.

18 Replies

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  • Hi Tripathy,



    In screenshot-1:

    You can (optionally) specify IPs of other AppHA VMs (i.e. AppHA guest nodes. Not HA Console node) - if you want to install AppHA (guest components) in multile nodes simultaneously.

    Query :- You mean to say i am pusing the Guest Components by mentioning the IP's of my VM's ?????

    Do i need to Push Guest components to my ESXi also ?? Or only my VM's are enough ?

    Cross platform was supported i mean i can push the guest components from a Physicsl Windows machine to LINUX VM ?


    In screenshot-2:

    Its asking the IP of HA Console node.

    Note that, HA Console can be installed in the same box where AppHA is installed or it can a separate (dedicated) system altogether.

    And for an environment (all VMs in a vCenter Server) you need only one HA Console node.


    Query:- If i key in the IP of AppHA CONSOLE NODE will it install AppHA console  ?? If not at what point during installation i will be installing AppHA console on my server ?




  • Hi Nayab,


    In screenshot-1:

    You can (optionally) specify IPs of other AppHA VMs (i.e. AppHA guest nodes. Not HA Console node) - if you want to install AppHA (guest components) in multile nodes simultaneously.


    In screenshot-2:

    Its asking the IP of HA Console node.

    Note that, HA Console can be installed in the same box where AppHA is installed or it can a separate (dedicated) system altogether.

    And for an environment (all VMs in a vCenter Server) you need only one HA Console node.



    ~Soumya Sakha Tripathy.

  • Hi ,


    Thanks a lot for the information in your blog Can help me clarify the things below


    Thanks a lot for the information above, I have few question hope you are the right person to clarify them.


    In the AppHA 5.1 version we have seperate options to install Console and AppHA components but in 6.1 i dont see any options like that. Can help me which machine Ip address i need to mention in the screenshots below. Note i am installing AppHA on a VM Windows 2008 machine which i want to use as console.

    In the screen shot below i need to mention my Console server IP or I need to key all my VM's IP and hostname ( As i see option Add Multipple Systems next to Browse options ) ?



    In this screen shot at the configuration TAB it was asked to key-in HA Console IP which means is my HA should be a Remote one and i should install the AppHA on each and every VM machine ? Please confirm.





  • Did you check out it has a very detailed comparision between the solutions.

  • Hi Spin,


    Thanks a lot for the overview :)




  • Hi Tripathy,


    Thanks a lot for the info , Please help if you find any DOC/PPT's 




  • Hi Nayab,


    APPHA is a high availability product that protects virtual machines against service failures.  It works in VMware virtual machines (Linux and Windows) as well as with HyperV, RedHat Enterprise Virtualization, and others.  


    APPHA does not protect against disk failures or corruption, its not a traditional clustering product that can protect against say your operating system becoming corrupt, or something similar.  It watches services, daemons, processes and shares/exported mount points to make sure they are working properly.  If they fail, it tries to restart them using various native tools such as service restarts etc.


    Hope this helps.




  • Hi Nayab,


    You will find various docs (like Product Guide, compatilibity list etc) in SORT at:


    In the "Products" list, select "ApplicationHA".


    We have some analysis on Symantec ApplicationHA differs with (and better than) VMware AppHA.

    Let me check, if there is any doc/ppt on this, in pulic domain.