Forum Discussion

Wobbler70's avatar
12 years ago

Dedup Backupexec 3600 to HP D2D2504i

Is it possible t odedup from backupexec 3600 to HP D2D2504i ?
  • CraigV's avatar
    12 years ago

    ...if you had another server with disk presented from the HP D2D that was running BE, you could invoke the CASO option and use optimized dedupe. This would allow you to duplicate the data from the appliance to the D2D.

    It's not possible with 1 server as you can only have 1 dedupe folder present on a media server.


  • teiva-boy's avatar
    12 years ago

    This will work fine.  In fact better than BackupExec's native dedupe.  Set it up as a VTL, CIFS share.  Though not sure if it will work as an OST device.  (I don't see why not)