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19 Replies

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  • that's the same issue I had yesterday.

    because of this issue I opened a case at symantec, but still stuck in the support, with the extra problem that the engineer messed up my webui

    I'm trying now to get the case escalated, but it seems very difficult to get the right engineer on the phone

  • I have had a call logged since September 10th with the same issues

    Still waiting to get the hotfix associated with TECH215884 supplied for manual install however a week later I am still waiting.

    It would appear this issue is bigger than Symantec are willing to admit - if they had told me a week ago that there was issues with supplying this hotfix I would have been happy to accept this and hold off.

  • The SQL problem you have and the solutin to it is outlined in this TN


  • Hi all,

     Is the issue related to  "Hotfix TECH215884" still alive ? or did we get some remedy for it ?



  • The issue with HF215884 was limited and just temporary LiveUpdate problem and how to correct this is outlined in TECH224496.

    A general issue usually casued by using LiveUpdate used outisde of the appliance WebUI is detailed in TECH218292

    For true offline environments the HF can be installed locally. Contact support to obtain this HF.

    For all other environments where LiveUpdate should work and does not please accept when calling support that the configuration will checked and further attempts to get the update from LiveUpdate will be made as this is the preferred method of updating. You also may be carrying over a general LU problem over to R3 when upgraded so getting this taken care of first would be of benefit.

  • I got stuck with the HF215884. I followed the technote 218292. But unfortunately, nothing happened. The hotfix was not found and so neither applied. I had to have it installed locally by an engineer of Symantec.

    So the issues with this hotfix are not solved by the technote provided, keep on searching for a real solution

  • Try this KB for installing HF 215884 -

  • also tried that one, without any success.

    but now the update is installed, with the help of an US-engineer

  • the HF is needed because it will configure the PS commands needed for the upgrade.

    once this is done, the upgrade can be launched, taking some remaks into account:

    - don't use windows 8, 8.1, 2012, ... as OS for the remote Powershell. Their version of PS is to recent and will cause some errors.


    here are some remarks launching the PS commands towards the appliance:

    Enter-PSsession -computername <It must be the FQDN> (ip-address will cause some errors later on) -credentials <loacl appliance administrator> (using another account will cause some errors later on) -configurationname appliance

    the location of the files can also cause some issues. In my case the upgrade failed if the files weren located on a networkshare. I had to have the installationfiles locally on the appliance or on a USB stick.

    Upgrading the appliance take some time (about 2 -4 hours) and at the end when you think nothing is happening, leave everything like it is, and start a continous ping to the appliance. You will see that the appliance reboot three times in a row. After the third reboot, you can consider a succesfull upgrade