Forum Discussion

Toni_Churchill's avatar
20 years ago

Alert enable option is grayed out

I hI have 3 individuals set up to receive alert messages. The alert message for job failed was not delivered.
I noticed that on the properties of the job failed alert the enable option was gray. Does any one know why and what I can do to fix the problem.

5 Replies

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  • Before you begin, note the Event ID of the alert you wish to change.

    ALSO, these steps directly modify the BackupExec database. If you screw up, you may need to rebuild/restore/reinstall the database entirely. To make a backup of the table before you begin, use a Select * Into statement.

    1. Install SQL Management Studio
    2. Logon to the Backup Exec DB using windows authentication
    3. find table dbo.AlertMapping
    4. make a backup of the table/database
    5. edit this script so it affects the eventID you want & the LockFlags setting you want:
      update [dbo].[AlertMapping]
      set lockflags=96
      where EventID=58057
    6. execute the script in the management studio
    7. restart backup exec services.

    Some LockFlags Values:
    268435560 - disable everything but record event & SNMP
    268435552 - See EventID 58063 - Media Remove
    268435528 - See EventID 34113 - Job Failure
    268435521 - See EventID 58061 - Media Insert
    96 - disables only the job log & respond with options
    64 - See EventID 34112 - Job Success

    Good Luck & don't blame me if you screw up everything. I didn't test this, i just tried one & it worked...

  • Hello,

    The option to activate the job failed alert is ticked and greyed out by design in Backup exec. The alert for job failing is sent by design and by defaultevery time a job fails.

    All you have to do now is to configure the recipients and the smtp notification server settings.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answeredand would be moved toanswered questions pool.
  • I have no problem receiving alert messages when the job completes successfully. I can not enable the alert message for job failures because the enable option is grayed out.
  • Hello,

    1. Are you using exchange server to send notifications using smtp?

    2. Have you configured to include job log with notification?

    3. Did the test notification succeed? if at all you have tried it.

    4. Run sgmon diring the job and check in this log if the notification has been sent by backup exec to the smtp server. If yes there is a problem sending it to the users from the server.

    How to create SGMON.LOG please refer the following technote

    5. Enter the IP address on the smpt server as per this technote:

    Title : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol notification is configured and enabled within Backup Exec but no notification is received after the job runs.

    6. If you do not have revision 4691 for 9.1 this could be a database problem which ha been resolved in this revision. Please apply this:

    Titre: The VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) for Windows Servers notification event fails to notify some or all recipients in the recipients list.

    7. If you have selected to send the job log, try the following case:

    Titre : Email notification with job logs do not work even though the test job notifications and simple notifications work in Backup Exec 9.x and 10.x.

    8. If you have Mc'cafee or some other virus scan running on the smtp or the backup exec server, it could be blocking the port 25 used by smtp noifications by default.

    Title : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) email notifications cannot be sent if Mcafee VirusScan Enterprise is installed on the SMTP server.

    9. Lastly also ensure that you have configured the notifications and alert categories and target recipients as per these technotes:

    Title : How to configure notification recipients in Backup Exec 9.x and 10.x

    How to configure backup jobs to send notification using Backup Exec 9.x and 10.0 (includes SMTP configuration)

    Please revert after trying these manipulations withe clarifications on the questions asked here if the problem persists.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answeredand would be moved toanswered questions pool.