Forum Discussion

datalink_Datali's avatar
19 years ago

Appended Exchange job failure

I hope someone can shed some light on this. We are running BE 10.0 on a Win2k platform. Because of continued AOFO errors when backing up our Exchange server, we decided to run a seperate job for the exchange server to follow our regular full job. We have a single tape drive and change tape daily. Main job overwrites and exchange job is set to append to tape. Test runs pass. When scheduled jobs run the main job passes but the exchange job fails with the following error in job log:
Storage device "DELL 1" reported an error on a request to read data from media.
Error reported:
The parameter is incorrect.
V-79-57344-34030 - An invalid command was sent to the storage device.
Windows Event log shows the following:
Adamm Mover Error: Read Failure!
Drive = "DELL 1"
Media = "DLNK Mon-'C'"
Read Mode: SingleBlock(0), ScsiPass(1)
Write Mode: SingleBlock(1), ScsiPass(1)
Media set is set to allow appends. All drivers and firmware are the latest. I have tried infinite appends and limited appends with no difference. The Exchange job will run if allowed to overwrite media but that is not an acceptable option for us for obvious reasons. Something with the append is causing the failure but I have not had any luck finding the solution. Hopefully someone else has encountered and resolved this.

Thanks in advance!

As a side note, we have the identical software configuration on a client site and are running the same type of job without any issues. Job parameters are identical.

1 Reply

  • Hello,
    Please check if the device is listed in the hardware compatibility list below if yes please install the latest Veritas drivers else install the OEM drivers.

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