Forum Discussion

tgrabowski's avatar
Level 3
18 years ago

Back Up Exec Job notification

we would like to create a notification fo a job when it is missed.  this is not one of the predfined notifications, how would we go about configuring this? The reason behinf this is we had 2 jobs hang over the weekend which caused us to miss all other backups between friday and Sunday night.  the subsequent jobs that were missed reported as missed once their back up window closed but since we only have notification set for Successful, completed with execptions, and failed we did not know that the jobs were not running until monday when we came in to see that two jobs had been hung for 63 hours. 

4 Replies

  • When you get a missed job alert - write down the Alert Category.
    Under the Alerts tab, Active Alerts, click on Configure Alert Categories
    You can assign recipients under the specific category.
  • from what i can determine there is no alert catagory for 'Missed Jobs' the missed job shows up in job hostory but there is no alert generated for this event. this is the job history of a failed/missed job;
    Job name            : 216B User's (Full)
    Job type            : Backup
    Job status          : Missed
    Job log             :
    Server name         :
    Selection list name : User's
    Device name         :
    Target name         :
    Media set name      :
    Error category    :
    Error             : e000e020 - The job was scheduled to run, but the availability window closed before the job could start. There may not have been any destination devices available during the window, or the job may have been submitted to run when the window was closed.
  • I just tested this myself, and since it does not come up as an alert then you can't configure a notification.
    However, the workaround would be to set a notification on "Job Successful" category and limit the number of alerts per recipient. At least this way you would know if the jobs weren't completed over the weekend.
    In the meantime you can submit an enhancement on: