Forum Discussion

Nayabsk's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

Backup Exec- Backup And Restore Snapshots from Netapp Volume using NDMP

Hi All,


I would like to know how to backup and restore a netapp volume along with snapshots , As i understand the NDMP is a dump backup i would like to know if i backup a volume which is a snapvault destination and later while restoration say i want to restore only a few snapshots how it can be done ?


BE 2014 , Windows 2012, Netapp

One more question do i need to have a staging area to restore my NDMP backup as well ? As my backups are to tapes.



  • Have a look @ this post -

  • When the entire volume is selected, BE creates a temp snapshot and the snapshots present in the .snapshot folder are ignored. When you explicitly select a single snapshot for backup, BE will take a backup of the volume for the time when that snapshot was created. Multiple snapshots cannot be selected.

    And when one restores from a snapshot, the actual data from that snapshot is restored.

    No, staging isn't required.

  • Ok Now say i have a volume of 5 snapshots and in the backup selections i am selecting whole volume to backup now if i restore i will be not getting the 5 snapshots which are present in my volume ? as this is a DUMP backup i shuld be able to restore whole volume including snapshots ????

  • Have a look @ this post -

  • The link clear cut of all my doubts :) , Thanks So much :)




  • So i will be able to restore data only at volume level ?? , Now my doubt is if i restore a volume to the orginal location will it also delete my snapshots directory 


    My Backup Selection NDMP :-  /vol/vol0

    And on my netapp side say i have a snapshots on my vol0 , so when i restore from my backup to the same location will delete my existing snapshot ( As i understand it will restore the directory structure based on wat had been backed-up, as no snapshot directory will be backed up during NDMP backups will it overwrite my existing snapshot in the original location ?)


  • During the restore, the selection lists will not list the snapshot but rather the data present inside that snapshot. You can choose to restore the entire volume or a single directory and then again, you can choose to overwrite or not. The existing .snapshots directory should not be affected as its read-only.

  • " rather the data present inside that snapshot"

    But this is of no use as Netapp wont understand this and this will be of no use in restoring my snapshot from Secondary filer to Primary filer.

  • Let me a bit more clear.

    During the restore, the selection lists will not list the snapshot but rather the data present inside that snapshot.

    By this I mean, the restore selections will show the filer's underlying file system as it was when the snapshot was taken, so yes, NetApp will understand what you restore. However, you can't restore the snapshot itself.