Forum Discussion

GrzegorzNw's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Backup Exec 2010 R3 - Job stop and do nothing.


We are using Backup Exec 2010 R3 to backup Microsoft Exchange 2007.

When job makes snapshot processing:

1. First Storage Group - is ok

2. Second Storage Group - is ok

3.   SOURCE: exchange server\D:    (backup of drive D:)

      DESTINATION: Media created 2015-02-19 .....

      CURRENT DIRECTORY:    \MessageTracking

      CURRENT FILE: MSGTRKM20150219-1.LOG      ( this is a Exchange Message Tracking Log )


Job stops and do nothing. It's waiting and waiting on this file. I must cancel job because it will be waiting for infinity.

What can i do whith this ? 

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