Forum Discussion

Sox's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Backup Exec 2010 to 2014 migration failed

When I try to migrate Backup Exec 2010 R3 SP4 to BE 2014 it failed during database migration.

In BKUPINST log I found this lines when error occures:


09-04-2014,16:02:27 : upgradeViaSQLScript2 using CDBOperation SQLInstance=(null) SQLScriptFile=DBUpgrade13.5-2c.sql

09-04-2014,16:02:27 : dbutil RunSQLScript: DBUpgrade13.5-2c.sql SQLServer:BES2010 SQLInstance:BkupExec DatabaseName:BEDB 

09-04-2014,16:02:27 : OpenFromInitializationString Connection String = Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=BEDB;Data Source=BES2010\BkupExec;Locale Identifier=1033;Application Name=BEWS DBUTIL hr=0x0 

09-04-2014,16:02:27 : upgradeViaSQLScript m_JobMigInternal=0

09-04-2014,16:02:27 : upgradeViaSQLScript2 using CDBOperation SQLInstance=(null) SQLScriptFile=DBUpgrade13.5-2d.sql

09-04-2014,16:02:27 : dbutil RunSQLScript: DBUpgrade13.5-2d.sql SQLServer:BES2010 SQLInstance:BkupExec DatabaseName:BEDB 

09-04-2014,16:02:27 : OpenFromInitializationString Connection String = Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=BEDB;Data Source=BES2010\BkupExec;Locale Identifier=1033;Application Name=BEWS DBUTIL hr=0x0 

09-04-2014,16:02:30 : upgradeViaSQLScript m_JobMigInternal=0

09-04-2014,16:02:30 : upgradeViaSQLScript2 using CDBOperation SQLInstance=(null) SQLScriptFile=DBUpgrade13.0-leros.sql

09-04-2014,16:02:30 : dbutil RunSQLScript: DBUpgrade13.0-leros.sql SQLServer:BES2010 SQLInstance:BkupExec DatabaseName:BEDB 

09-04-2014,16:02:30 : OpenFromInitializationString Connection String = Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=BEDB;Data Source=BES2010\BkupExec;Locale Identifier=1033;Application Name=BEWS DBUTIL hr=0x0 

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : Invalid column name 'finaljobstatus'. 

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : dbutil RunSQLScript: execute sql cmd failed. sql statement: CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ResourceContainer_GetProtectionInfo] ( @ResourceContainerID uniqueidentifier ) RETURNS xml AS BEGIN declare @retValue xml DECLARE @disableUseAnchorDate bit SELECT @disableUseAnchorDate = 0 -- dbo.[ResourceContainer_GetDisableUseAnchorDate]() IF @disableUseAnchorDate = 0 BEGIN SET @retValue = dbo.[ResourceContainer_GetProtectionInfoUsingAnchorDate](@ResourceContainerID) END ELSE BEGIN declare @

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : dbutil RunSQLScript:Stop execution sql script

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : dbutil RunSQLScript: failed: 0x80040e14 

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : OS ERROR: 0x80040e14 (-2147217900) 

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : Starting schedule upgrades.

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : Not doing schedule upgrades due to previous errors. rc=0x1

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : Done with schedule upgrades.

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : upgrade135x ends rc=1

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : Job Migration Failed

 + 09-04-2014,16:02:32 : Failure 1 running migration library 1

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : Destructor BEMigrate Freeing library: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Migration\pvlupgrade.dll

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : Destructor BEMigrate Freeing library: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Migration\jobmigration.dll

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : Destructor BEMigrate Freeing library: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Migration\catupgrade.dll

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : Destructor BEMigrate Freeing library: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Migration\pvlupgrade.dll

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : Destructor BEMigrate Freeing library: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Migration\postmigrationprocessing.dll

 + 09-04-2014,16:02:32 : BE Migration Tool execution failed

09-04-2014,16:02:32 : Migration returned value: 1



Did anybody have that kind of problem during migration?

Any help would be appreciated.




  • you have an antivirus installed on that media server? If so, turn it off and disable it and try the upgrade again.

    I've had McAfee AV block SQL from being upgraded for some obscene reason. Didn't happen on all servers, just some...even with the same policy applied.


  • I must of make two posts about same thing. Sorry about that. I will close the other post. As far as AV, I know about it. I read it in offical Backup Exec 2014 document in Upgrading Backup Exec section... But, I don't have AV install on media server... I was using BE service account in migration proces. Account have all necessary admin rights. But it still failing when it starts migration process of SQL.
  • I would recommend you to log a formal support case so that we can review your setup and check what is preventing the migration.


  • Can anybody tell me is there any official document that desribes upgrading from BE2010 to BE2014?

    • ivugrinec's avatar
      Level 1

      Do you remeber what was the  problem (or solution). I have the same problem right now. Any idea?