Backup Exec 2012 - where to find manuals, videos and trainings.
Are you looking to find information related to Backup Exec 2012? If so, here is a list for your reference. Bookmark now!
Backup Exec 2012 Administration course (5-day instructor led or virtual)
Backup Exec Tech Center (a library of self-paced video learning modules)
Backup Exec 2012 Videos on Symantec TV:
Backup Exec 2012: Overview
Introducing the new Backup Exec 2012 User Interface
Backup Exec 2012: Job monitoring
Backup Exec 2012 Documentation:
Backup Exec 2012 Readme (DOC5215)
Backup Exec 2012 Performance and Tuning Guide (DOC5481)
Backup Exec 2012 - Getting started:
Backup Exec 2012 Licensing - New licensing system (TECH178483)
Backup Exec 2012 Upgrade Guide - Tips & tricks (TECH180232)
Backup Exec 2012 vs. Backup Exec 12.5/2010 - a list of differences (DOC5216)
Backup Exec 2012 - Best practices:
List of 25+ Backup Exec 2012 best practices (HOWTO74626)
Backup Exec 2012 - Compatibility:
Backup Exec 2012 - Software Compatibility List (TECH175581)
Backup Exec 2012 - Hardware Compatibility List (TECH175582)
Backup Exec 2012 - Platforms, Agents, Options, and features no longer supported (TECH178552)