Forum Discussion

pmevalenzuela's avatar
12 years ago

Backup Exec 2012 and IOmega NAS


Hope anyone can help me.


Plan to purchase IOmega NAS with  MindTree VMS.

1. Can backup exec 2012 backup NAS devices above ?  ---> I found that ix4 series with CIFS is supported.

2. If yes, what agent license do I need ?

3. For the media server, includes backup agent for Windows Systems by default ? Can anyone confirm this ?

           ---> As I understand all volumes presented to the media server (iSCSI / FC / Direct Attach) can be backup without additional licenses.



  • @Paul - When you install BE, it comes with 1 RAWS licence which is meant for backing up the media server.  For any other remote devices or servers, you need 1 RAWS or 1 RALUS licence to back them up.  You would still need the RAWS licence even if you cannot install RAWS on the remote device.

10 Replies

  • Hi


    1 Please check the HCL for BE 2012 to see it you see the device listed

    2 To backup CIFS share on NAS there is no need of any remote agent or license only you should have one remote agent license to backup the shares on NAS or any other windows server

    3 Yes when you install Backup Exec remote agent is installed by default and no seperate licesne is required for same as it is part of base license itself ,so untill you show them as like local drive connected on Media server no need of any licenses to do backup of it

    Additionally please check in Article below by Craig V


  • Hi, Thanks for the reply. As I understand once i install the media server on my server, I can backup the media server and all attached storage (FC / iSCSI / Direct attach) without any additional licenses for it ? Thanks, Paul
  • Hi

    Yes no extra license untill you backup them as local drive on Media server ,if it is connected by NDMP filer then you would require NDMP license


    Hope that helps


  • To backup CIFS share on NAS there is no need of any remote agent or license only you should have one remote agent license to backup the shares on NAS or any other windows server

    This is not true.  You need one RAWS licence for each remote device or server that you want to back up.  The document that you quoted says ".. at least one ..."  It does not say your only need 1 RAWS to backup all remote device.

  • @Paul - When you install BE, it comes with 1 RAWS licence which is meant for backing up the media server.  For any other remote devices or servers, you need 1 RAWS or 1 RALUS licence to back them up.  You would still need the RAWS licence even if you cannot install RAWS on the remote device.

  • Hi


    What I have quoted here is to backup the shares either CIFS on NAS or shares on windows , in that case only one remote agent license is needed hold right

    "Make sure at least one Agent for Windows Systems (AWS) license installed on the Backup Exec Media Server" check link below




  • So you are saying that if I have shares on 2 NAS devices, I only need 1 RAWS licence?  This is how you are coming across.

  • Hi

    Yes you need atleast one remote agent license to do so and the link below which I have given already states same if he is going to backup CIFS shares on mutiple NAS in that case atleast one remote agent license is what he must have



  • Nope.  You did not say this.  Previously it was " in that case only one remote agent license is needed hold right"

  • ...I think the confusion is that you it states you need at least 1 RAWS agent need this in order for BE to work. Try uninstall the RAWS agent off the media server (if you can) and the application will crash.

    AFAIK and have seen in the forums, and indeed with information quoted by other Symantec employees, you need 1 RAWS/RALUS agent PER device you want to backup.

    Now, if you read the Symantec Backup Exec 2012 Licensing Guide, it clearly states that for every Linux/Windows server you want to protect, you need the equivalent license. So the user needs to purchase 1 RAWS/RALUS agent to protect that NAS otherwise he is in violation of a license agreement.

    If the OP has 3 NAS's he is protecting, he needs 3 RAWS/RALUS agents...the licensing guide is very very clear on this.
