Backup Exec 2014 GRT restore problem
We have windows server 2008r2 with BackupExec 2014.
We faced a problem with mailbox restoration. Backup procedure working fine.
We try to restore as PST file, working fine.
GRT restoration not woirking approximately from 01.07.2017.
Final error: 0xe00003bf - Cannot open one or more mail messages because of unknown Exchange Web Service errors. Review the job log for more information.
Final error category: Resource Errors
Maybe restore not working after exchange CU 16 update. We also update exchange version on Backup Exec server.
Deras please help us to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance!
Exchange 2013 CU 16 is not supported in Backup Exec 2014, please review BE 2014 SCL:
Please upgrade Backup Exec to version 16 for Exchange 2013 CU 16 support. Please review SCL for BE 16 :
Thanks and Regards,