Forum Discussion

luana's avatar
Level 2
15 years ago

Backup Exec Event ID 57345 - SQL Log Folder full of mdmp files

Hello all,
Database Exception Context:m_QueryTimeoutInSeconds=300 sql={CALL dbo.[AutoClearAlert](?,?,?)} Error:-536837662: :: -2147217900:Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during execution. :: DB Error Set 0: native=0x21b6 source=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server hr=0x80040e14 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during execution. 

above is the first of two events in the Application log,  below is the second, both have ID 57345.

Database Exception Context:AutoClearAlerts: sp ClearAutoAlert Error:-536837662: :: -2147217900:Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during execution. :: DB Error Set 0: native=0x21b6 source=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server hr=0x80040e14 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during execution.

They are occuring every 2 minutes and I also have a .mdmp, .log and .txt file being created in the
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG"
folder every two minutes.  The mdmp files range from 1,262 MB to 3,045 MB generally but occasionally there is one that is 15,878 MB or so.  As you can imagine it amounts to 1-2 GB every day or so.  Filling up my drive and creating havoc.

My client is running Backup Exec 11D Rev. 7170 for Windows Server and the remote agent on another server.  Service Pack 4 was installed by LiveUpdate on 7-29-09.  The backup is working just fine.  There are no Alerts within Backup Exec indicating any problems.
I have Windows Server 2003 R2 Std Edition SP2.  47.5 GB free when the log file is clean.   Just using the SQL database that is installed with Backup Exec.
I found it interesting that when I ran the LiveUpdate from within Backup exec it listed my Symantec Endpoint Protection programs but not BackupExec.

I have uninstalled SQL and all instances and then repaired Backup Exec and the only thing that happened was that the logs used to be under an MSSQL.2 folder and now as indicated above are under an MSSQL.1 folder

I can find nothing in the forum here that matches my problem.  I am attaching a copy of one of the .txts files that are continously created.

Please help,
Jeanne from A Byte at A Time Computers
  • It appears some sort of BEDB corruption. Please try performing extensive repair of database by going through following document:

    Also, is there any other application using SQL databases on this server? Also, go to alerts tab on Backup Exec and clear all the alerts there, after extensive repair.

    Please mark this as solved, if this fixes the problem.

2 Replies

  • It appears some sort of BEDB corruption. Please try performing extensive repair of database by going through following document:

    Also, is there any other application using SQL databases on this server? Also, go to alerts tab on Backup Exec and clear all the alerts there, after extensive repair.

    Please mark this as solved, if this fixes the problem.

  • Hello Hemant Jain,

    That took care of the problem beautifully.
    Thank you so much for the solution.  No more logging on to my client every other day to clean up huge amounts of log files.
    What surprises me is that Backup Exec continued to run correctly all the time we had the errors.
    Thanks again,
    Jeanne Giaier