Forum Discussion

jmgmad's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Backup Exec Oracle Agent Configuration


I´m with some doubts regarding which user I need to use in Backup Exec Oracle Agent Configuration. I need to perform a backup with this Symantec tool on an Oracle database but I´m facing the following issue.

I´m using an operation system user (PRDADM), it show me the following error:

This user account does not have the privileges that are required to log on to the Oracle database.


I searched for a solution and I found the following KB Article:

It describes the same error. I read the solution in there and I checked if the PRDADM user is in fact a member of the ORA_DBA group and it is! The PRDADM user is already a member of all ORA_DBA groups (three groups ORA_*).


I don´t understand if I need to use an operation system user (like I´m use) or an oracle database user!

Can you help me please to clarify this?!... I need to solve this error!

Thank you,


  • On the remote Oracle server, launch the Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility. There would be various tabs such as Status, Publishing, Database Access etc. (A screenshot of this utility was already posted by you)

    The screenshot which you have posted earlier is from the "Oracle" tab. Here the instance information and the user with SYSDBA rights is entered. (Preferably to use SYS account)

    On the same utility, there is a "Database Access" tab. Here is the OS account used to connect to the Oracle server.

    In other words, two types of accounts are used. The account used to connect to the DB under "Oracle" tab and the account used to connect to the server under "Database Access" tab.

  • Try adding the "SYS" account under Oracle tab. And under the Database Access tab, add the OS account (in the format domain/user). Add this same account (which is under Database Access tab) in the Backup Exec media server as well.


  • Hello VJware,

    Thank you for you trying to help me. 

    I don´t see any Oracle tab here, can you tell me where is the Oracle tab? Can you show me some printscreen of it in the Backup Exec.


    Thank you,


  • Hello Mai Ali,

    I read that article... and I continue with the same doubts! With this article I concluded that I need to use a Oracle database user and not an operation system user which is the user that I´m using in Symantec tool.

    Regarding the oracle databse users I checked in Oracle SQL Plus and this are the oracle database users:

    SQL> select username from dba_users;





















    So... which user I need to use? An oracle database user or an operation system user in the Symantec tool? Can you tell me please with some printscreens!?


    Thank you,


  • On the remote Oracle server, launch the Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility. There would be various tabs such as Status, Publishing, Database Access etc. (A screenshot of this utility was already posted by you)

    The screenshot which you have posted earlier is from the "Oracle" tab. Here the instance information and the user with SYSDBA rights is entered. (Preferably to use SYS account)

    On the same utility, there is a "Database Access" tab. Here is the OS account used to connect to the Oracle server.

    In other words, two types of accounts are used. The account used to connect to the DB under "Oracle" tab and the account used to connect to the server under "Database Access" tab.

  • Hello VJware,

    Thank you, we will test that as you recommended, but before that let me tell you one thing.

    Using the SQL Plus in this Oracle instance, when I try to log in with SYS user manually, it show me the following warning/error:

    > sqlplus /nolog

    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon May 26 19:45:15 2014

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.

    SQL> conn 

    Enter user-name: SYS

    Enter password: *******


    ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER


    I ask you, this is normal? I should not use the SYS user because probably will get an error or not?! Am I right?


    Thank you,

    Best regards,


  • You will need to use user that you created for backup. if you didn't have, you can use system account


    and assign it for backup as exist in below screen


  • Hello Mai Ali,

    But the SYSTEM user doesn´t has the sufficient privileges described in the following URL:


    SQL> select grantee, privilege from DBA_SYS_PRIVS where grantee = 'SYSTEM' Union select grantee, GRANTED_ROLE from DBA_ROLE_PRIVS where grantee = 'SYSTEM';

    GRANTEE                        PRIVILEGE

    ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------

    SYSTEM                         AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE

    SYSTEM                         CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW

    SYSTEM                         CREATE TABLE

    SYSTEM                         DBA

    SYSTEM                         GLOBAL QUERY REWRITE

    SYSTEM                         SAPDBA

    SYSTEM                         SELECT ANY TABLE

    SYSTEM                         UNLIMITED TABLESPACE

    8 rows selected.



    Kind regards,


  • This isn't normal. If not SYS, you can use any other account which has sufficient privileges to connect to the instance and DB.

  • Hi Jmgmad,

    Grant to it privilege as exist in above link and use it for backup.