Forum Discussion

Nicolas_Nickisc's avatar
18 years ago

Backup Exec Remote Agent crashes .on media server ...

Aftre upgrading to 11d on the media server the Backup Exec Remote Agent crashes very often.
All backup jobs fail .

The error code is:
0xe000846b - Die Ressource konnte nicht gesichert werden, da bei der Verbindung zu Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers ein Fehler aufgetreten ist.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass die korrekte Version von Remote Agent auf dem Zielcomputer installiert ist und ausgef�hrt wird.
Endg�ltige Fehlerkategorie: Ressourcenfehler

Zus�tzliche Informationen zu diesem Fehler finden Sie unter der Verkn�pfung V-79-57344-33899

The hints under the link for this error seem not to be helpful for me.#
As far as I know now, the complete Remote agent crashes

The event log on the media server says:
Fehlgeschlagene Anwendung beremote.exe, Version 11.0.6235.0, fehlgeschlagenes Modul msvcr71.dll, Version 7.10.3052.4, Fehleradresse 0x0000c598.

Is there any help available ?

3 Replies

  • Hello,

    On the remote server is the remote agent updated?

    You may refer to the following to update the remote agent

  • I think so, that the Remote AGent is updated correctly.

    It was installed together with the whole BE server

    I also re-installed manually from the CD

    Nearly every BE job now fails due to the BE Remot Agent which was closed "unexpectedly"
  • Hi NN,

    I described the same problem in this thread

    already. But without any result or reply from any guy from Symantec.

    No solutions available so far...
