Forum Discussion

masagenga's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

backup individual mailbox exchange 2010

Hi , i want to asked. My environment hyper v host As backup exec 2012 backup server manager. With guest exchange server 2010, and another guest as a domain controller and active directori. 1. How restore individual mailbox 2. How backup individual mailbox exchange. 3. How install agent option only in guestexchge server or in backup server 2012 hyper v host ? Thanks Masagenga

  • Hi,


    1. Install the Agent for Applications and Databases. This will allow you to backup using GRT, and in turn restore GRT. In other words, you'd backup an entire Exchange Information Store and then restore individual items. To restore you'd simply browse to a date you'd want to restore from on the Exchange server, select the mailbox and then the mail, and then restore into the original mailbox, or redirect.

    2. To backup Exchange, you'd have the Information Store selected, and turn off AOFO for your job. It is that simple.

    3. You license the Agent for Applications and Databases on the media server, and then install the Remote Agent for Windows Servers on the Exchange server.

    The RAWS agent can be installed on any other server you want to backup, but you need additional RAWS agents for this.


8 Replies

  • Hi,


    1. Install the Agent for Applications and Databases. This will allow you to backup using GRT, and in turn restore GRT. In other words, you'd backup an entire Exchange Information Store and then restore individual items. To restore you'd simply browse to a date you'd want to restore from on the Exchange server, select the mailbox and then the mail, and then restore into the original mailbox, or redirect.

    2. To backup Exchange, you'd have the Information Store selected, and turn off AOFO for your job. It is that simple.

    3. You license the Agent for Applications and Databases on the media server, and then install the Remote Agent for Windows Servers on the Exchange server.

    The RAWS agent can be installed on any other server you want to backup, but you need additional RAWS agents for this.


  • in BE no individual mailbox only database exchange.

    how i can see and expand so i can choose the individual mailbox only in database mailbox exchange.







  • Hi

    how i can see and expand so i can choose the individual mailbox only in database mailbox exchange

    Ans : Once you backup your exchange databases with GRT option turned on and end of successfull backup if you click on restore tab & then click on individual items restore ,you will be able to see the single mailbox view

    Please see the attached snap you will see the same view if you have got successfull GRT backup of databases




  • Currently ou cannot backup individual mailboxes . You have to backup the complete mailbox store with Grt option enabled. Once the backup is complete, when you expand the mailbox store it will allow you to select the individual mailboxes and you can restore any item from the mailbox.

    Make sure the account you are using to perform backup have apropriate rights .

    Here are some documents for you reference

  • ...why not duplicate to disk first, and then try restoring from there?

  • After backup individual mailbox success in exchange 2010, i found restore always failed with mailbox i choose and the message job fail : Restore 00002 -- The job failed with the following error: Cannot log on to EWS with the specified credentials. Review the resource credentials for the job, and then run the job again.

    i use login admin.backup with domain member and member of :
    administrator, backup operators, domain admins, domain computer, domain controllers, domain users, enterprise admins,Exchange All Hosted Organization, Exchange Istall Domain Servers, Exchange Server, Exchange Trusted subsystem, Exchange windows  permission,exchangelegacyinterop, Organization Management.
    what best login user need for admin.backup with user domain privieledge to backup and restore only?