Forum Discussion

adil-it's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Backup Job Failing


I have created three backup jobs in symentac backup exec12.5 backing up the data on network storage(Backup to Disk Folder).For the first week all three backup jobs ran successfully but from second week i got different errors on all three different jobs,

for example i am running exchange backup on sunday and next sunday it was failed because of this error "V-79-57344-33935 - The backup-to-disk folder that was specified for this job ran out of disk space. The backup set has been deleted, and the backup-to-disk folder has been paused.Either free some disk space, or specify a different backup-to-disk folder for the job. Before other jobs can use this folder, you must clear the Pause state. On the Devices view, right-click the folder and click Pause to remove the check mark" where as my NAS showing me free space of 1 TB and my exchange database is of 70GB.


For the second and third job the error is ""Final error: 0xe00084af - The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed" OR "The file xyz is corrupted" whereas i can see no problems with the files which symentac is stating are corrupt.

Also all these jobs are failing after running for several hours like 4-5 hours


Could anyone please help me on these issues as my backup is in hold from last 2 weeks


Early reponses will be highly appreciated 




  • For sure you can. The 4GB size is the default size that BE allocates to a B2D. Increasing the size means less *.bkf files are created. however, increasing the size of your B2D files means that you have more chance of losing more data if there is a corruption of 1 of those *.bkf files.

    So, don't go creating them at 50GB for instance where maybe 10GB will do. You will need to play around with this to get the best out of them.


  • Hi,


    I don't think that BE can read the free space on a NAS properly and this is why you are getting that message. Or, you have not specified enough disk space to be used by the need to check the settings of the B2D under devices to see.

    If your NAS is capable of iSCSI, it might be worthwhile looking into this. It will get around a number of issues you might have while trying to backup to a normal NAS share.

    Read my article below on this:


  • Thanks craig. i have read the article its really helpful but the NAS i am using doesnot support iSCSI and i am backiing up on a normal NAS share. what properties you want me to check on B2D folder.

  • Hi adil,


    Check the B2D settings, specifically the low disk threshold and see what it's set too.

    MIght also be worthwhile getting hold of the b2dtest.exe tool to make sure that the NAS is actually suitable as a B2D target. Furthermore, check the BE 12.5 HCL to see if your NAS is listed as being supported by BE 12.5.

    Check below:



  • Hi craig.

    I have run the B2Dtest on my NAS but it is unable to take the network path of the drive or mapped folder so it failed. Secondly the low disk space threshold is set to 0GB and maximum size of backup disk folder is set to 4GB for all three B2D folders. 

    The last two backups were successful but both are creating too many .bkf files each of approx 4GB and also IMG000XXX folders in which exchange logfiles and database backup is backed up. whereas for my file server which only have share folders to backup it is again creating too many .bkf files each of size 4GB.

    I dont know whats going wrong ..



  • Hi,


    Try setting the low disk threshold to 1GB.

    What is your job configuration like? Retention? Are you overwriting the B2D files or appending? If appending, then you need to change this to overwrite as this isn't supported when backing up to disk.


  • Hi

    I have changed the settings to overwrite and also set the threshold to 1GB.. I have set backup to disk folder size to 4GB is that the reason it is creating too many.bkf files of 4GB ?..can i set it to to more than this. ?



  • For sure you can. The 4GB size is the default size that BE allocates to a B2D. Increasing the size means less *.bkf files are created. however, increasing the size of your B2D files means that you have more chance of losing more data if there is a corruption of 1 of those *.bkf files.

    So, don't go creating them at 50GB for instance where maybe 10GB will do. You will need to play around with this to get the best out of them.
