BackupExec deduplication manager service failed to start
Hi all
I have a backupexec appliance 3600 R4 wint BE15.
This appliance is EOX, I know it, but our client maintains this old infraestructure and now I have a problem.
This appliance had 2 disks failed and the the RAID was offline.
Our client bought the 2 disks and we replace that on the appliance.
The rebuilding RAID process was apparently successful and now on the appliance web UI show us all disks online an also the RAID.
But now, when I try to start the BackupExec services I have this error for BackupExec deduplication manager:
I can see this detailed status on Windows EventViewer:
But when I try to verify the D:\Appliance_Dedupe\etc\pdregistry.cfg file I can't access to the folder (D:\Appliance_Dedupe is the appliance's deduplication folder):
Anyone can help me with this?
Thanks in advance.