Forum Discussion

ZRivkis's avatar
9 years ago

BE 2010 migration options

I was tasked with decommissioning an old physical server running Server 2008R2. During my investigation I found that BE 2010 was installed on the server. BE is no longer in use but still has information re old tape backups that we need in case we need to restore them. This physical server also has an HBA card to connect to the tape library. I have a new phsyical Server 2012R2 with an HBA card that I can use but I am not sure how I can move BE 2010 to it and keep the data or install BE2015 and import the data from 2010? The final goal is to keep the current data in the BE so old tapes could be recovered. Any advice, suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated.

  • If you are concerned only about "Catalogs" (information re old tape backups), then this would be a simpler process -

2 Replies

  • BE 2010 cannot be installed on Server 2012 R2.  This is not supported.  You need to use BE 15.  Are you on a current maintenance contract?  If not, then you would not be able to get the new licence keys for BE 15 and you can only have a 60-days trial.

    For migration, you need to upgrade BE 2010 to BE 2010 R3 SP4, if you are not already on it, and then upgrade to BE 15 on your existing server.  After that, you can migrate BE 15 to the new server using the procedure in this document

  • If you are concerned only about "Catalogs" (information re old tape backups), then this would be a simpler process -