Forum Discussion

NPVeritasForum's avatar
10 years ago

BE 2012 SP4: deduplication cataloging: V-79-57344-33997 + V-79-57344-33029


I already posted our problem here:

so far nobody replied. We still have this problem that all backupsets which expire get a new expiration date roughly one year later.

Eg: A full backup with a retention period of 3 weeks made on the 31.1.2015 expires on 21.2.2015. Shown correctly yesterday, today the expiration date of exactly the same backup set has a expiration date of 13.2.2016. So we have to manually intervene quite regularily deleting old backup sets otherwise our deduplication backup runs full because old backups are not deleted. This costs us a lot of time.

Under Settings -> Database Maintenance, the database maintenance is enabled, delete aged data is enabled and all other options are enabled as well (perform database consistency check, save contents of database to the backupexec data directory, optimize database size).

We installed all updates via live update already a long time ago (roughly since summer 2014 there are no more updates ...)

I already ran the extensive database repair based on this article:

But the problem didn't go away, still "should be expired backup sets" get a new exipration date next year.

Recently I tried to recatalog the deduplication storage to find all old backup sets which can also be deleted and hoped that probably doing so might also solve this strange problem. I did that by following the standard procedure (stop all services, rename Catalog map, run Catrebuildindex -r, start all services and catalog again via the GUI). But now the cataloging fails and I get a lot of the following errors:


In Job Operation - Catalog I get:

Drive and media mount requested: 2/14/2015 10:42:18 AM
V-79-57344-33029 - Error - Mount failed.
Invalid Physical Volume Library Media Identifier.

Media GUID: {xxx-xxx-xx-xx-xxxxx}
V-79-57344-33029 - Unable to acquire device for the specified pool and media
Invalid Physical Volume Library Media Identifier.

and then in the errors section I get:

Catalog-             An error occurred during translation of data to or from the storage media in b2d_deduplicated:1.

V-79-57344-33997 - The data being read from the media is inconsistent.

Null backupset.  Possible reason:

Cataloging SW Compressed ArcServe Tape. Backupexec does not support this operation

Can somebody clarify this situation? There is no backup job having a retention period longer than 4 weeks (tape), all disk-based backup jobs have 3 weeks as retention period: also during the period the backup sets should be retained, the expiration date is set correctly. Also the wrong expiration date is continuously put forward into the future (see my old post where the wrong expiration date is set to september 2015, now it is set to february 2016.


So what can cause such strange behaviour? And how can I at least get a cataloging finish succesfully?

2 Replies

  • I would suggest to log a formal support case for us to investigate this issue thoroughly.

    P.S: From BE 2012 onwards, we don't really recommend renaming the Catalogs folder as this can cause multiple adverse issues.

  • Hello VJware,


    thank you I already opened a support case.

    I didn't rename the Catalogs folder for the actual catalog. I just renamed the old one so the catalogging job could write the catalog into the standard folder name.