Forum Discussion

Artegic's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

V-79-57344-33029 is back

Environment: Backup Exec 2012 Rev. 1798 64 Bit with Service Pack 3 on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard with a Tandberg T24 LTO-5 changer and a standalone LTO-5 drive, backing up three Windows 2008 servers, a Linux server, and a VMware ESXi host. Weekly full and daily incremental backups to deduplication storage with linked copies to the changer, plus monthly off-site copies of the latest full backups from the changer to the standalone drive.

Every once in a while, one of the daily copies from deduplication store to tape fails with the error:

Laufwerk und Laden von Medium angefordert: 27.02.2014 01:15:25
V-79-57344-33029 - Fehler - Ladefehler.
Ungültiger Identifikator für die Medien des Wechslers der physischen Datenträger.

Medien-GUID: {E0B176CE-98ED-41FA-B0BD-7A2102C2206D}
V-79-57344-33029 - Gerät für angegebenen Pool und Medium konnte nicht angefordert werden.
Ungültiger Identifikator für die Medien des Wechslers der physischen Datenträger.

Auftrag beendet am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014 um 01:17:35
Abschlussstatus: Fehlgeschlagen
Endgültiger Fehler: 0xe0008105 - Ungültiger Identifikator für die Medien des Wechslers der physischen Datenträger.
Endgültige Fehlerkategorie: Auftragsfehler

Searching through the forum I found the English version of these messages seems to be:

Drive and media mount requested: 27.02.2014 01:15:25
V-79-57344-33029 - Error - Mount failed.
Invalid Physical Volume Library Media Identifier.

Media GUID: {E0B176CE-98ED-41FA-B0BD-7A2102C2206D}
V-79-57344-33029 - Unable to acquire device for the specified pool and media
Invalid Physical Volume Library Media Identifier.

Job Completion Status
Job ended: Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014 um 01:17:35
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe0008105 - Invalid Physical Volume Library Media Identifier.
Final error category: Job Errors

I have previously posted this problem here, and thought I had solved it by reorganizing my jobs so that the off-site backups are done as copies from on-site ones. But four weeks later, the problem is back, strangely enough only for a single one of my many jobs. Also I am still at a loss what that message actually tries to tell me.



  • The problem seems to have disappeared all of its own. It occurred sporadically to begin with, so I cannot be 100% sure, but it hasn't happened for 50 days in a row now, longer than ever between two occurrences.

    Mind you, lots of things have happened in the meantime, a big change in our virtualization platform, most jobs recreated, several Symantec support calls fixing other issues ... It's entirely possible that one of those changes accidentally fixed this problem too.

    Optimistically marking as solved.

3 Replies

  • ...might actually be in your best interests here to log a call directly with Symantec support so that they can assist you.

    If/when they do, post back here with the details & close this off.


  • That's not an option right now. I have opened two support calls open with Symantec already. ( / case #05986116 and / case #05992961) Both are still open with no solution in sight. Both continue to consume an enormous amount of my time with daily hour-long WebEx sessions repeating the same tests over and over again with no sign of progress. I do not have the time to handle a third one on top of that.

    Also, coordinating two cases with the same customer is obviously a problem for Symantec's support and has already led to irritations. So from this point of view, too, I don't think it would be a good idea to open a third one while these two are still unresolved.

    In fact I have little hope that involving Symantec support will help. I have yet to see a single Symantec support call actually leading to a solution. But I'll try, eventually - just not right now. I have to manage my workload.


  • The problem seems to have disappeared all of its own. It occurred sporadically to begin with, so I cannot be 100% sure, but it hasn't happened for 50 days in a row now, longer than ever between two occurrences.

    Mind you, lots of things have happened in the meantime, a big change in our virtualization platform, most jobs recreated, several Symantec support calls fixing other issues ... It's entirely possible that one of those changes accidentally fixed this problem too.

    Optimistically marking as solved.