Forum Discussion

Thunnissen's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

V-79-57344-33029 - Error - Mount failed.


The last 2 days I get the following error:


Click an error below to locate it in the job log

V-79-57344-33029 - Error - Mount failed.

Invalid Physical Volume Library Media Identifier.

V-79-57344-33029 - Unable to acquire device for the specified pool and media


The backup to Disk is running fine, but I can't copy them to tape. Also restoring from the disk is not possible. I restarted all backup exec services, but with no luck. Anybody an idea what is going wrong here?


Running backup exec 2012 with sp1. The problem only occurs with the VM backup's, the normal Win 2003 backup's trought the agent are running fine.


  • The disk are all healty. I am going to delete all the dssu disks format the drivers and re-create them. That way that are all clean again. The full backup will run tonight so hopefully it will run fine then.. 

  • Hi


    It looks like your duplicate job from tape to disk is failing with above error, have you tried perfroming a quick erase on the tape and then tried duplicating it to disk to tape again

    Moreover if this is happening during differential virtual machine duplicate job from disk to tape then check link below

    Also about restore you have explained what restore you are doing for virtual machine is it some file and folder from vitual machine or some application GRT restore from virtual machine or entire virtual machine what is the error during that time can you present the job log for the restore



  • @CraigV: In backup Exec 2012 there are no selection lists anymore as far as I known.. 


    @Backup_Exec: the problem occurs with different tapes that runned fine last week.. About the restore job, I tried it yesterday, it was a file restore job from a virtual machine. The backup set where the file was in, was still on the disk. It give the following error:


    Job Completion Status
    Job ended: Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 3:09:08 PM
    Completed status: Failed
    Final error: 0xe000810b - Physical Volume Library Drive not found.
    Final error category: Backup Device Errors
    For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33035

    Click an error below to locate it in the job log


    Restore- VCB::
    Remote Agent not detected on VCB::. V-79-57344-33035 - Error - Mount failed. Physical Volume Library Drive not found. V-79-57344-33035 - Unable to acquire device for the specified pool and media


    Restore- FileSrv
    V-79-57344-38721 - Failed to mount one or more virtual disk images: Error mounting disk(s): UNKNOWN_ERROR (0xe000fe49).


    V-79-57344-38721 - Failed to mount one or more virtual disk images:

    Click an exception below to locate it in the job log


    Restore- VCB::
    V-79-57344-3844 - The Backup Exec server was unable to connect to the Remote Agent on machine VCB::. The Backup Exec server will use the local agent to try to complete the operation. 


  • Have you tried to create the duplicate-to-tape job again?

  • I tried the job again, first cleaned the tape, but I get the same error. I am sure that the tape is not the problem. The problem seems to be with the disks.

    The disk are not clean, they still have the full job from last friday on it and the differential job from yesterday. And offcourse the remote agents are installed and up to date. I also restarted the remote agent but that didn't help either.

  • you have any failed/failing drives that your B2D is located on?

  • The disk are all healty. I am going to delete all the dssu disks format the drivers and re-create them. That way that are all clean again. The full backup will run tonight so hopefully it will run fine then..