13 years agoLevel 3
V-79-57344-33029 - Error - Mount failed.
The last 2 days I get the following error:
Click an error below to locate it in the job log
V-79-57344-33029 - Error - Mount failed. Invalid Physical Volume Library Media Identifier. V-79-57344-33029 - Unable to acquire device for the specified pool and media
The backup to Disk is running fine, but I can't copy them to tape. Also restoring from the disk is not possible. I restarted all backup exec services, but with no luck. Anybody an idea what is going wrong here?
Running backup exec 2012 with sp1. The problem only occurs with the VM backup's, the normal Win 2003 backup's trought the agent are running fine.
The disk are all healty. I am going to delete all the dssu disks format the drivers and re-create them. That way that are all clean again. The full backup will run tonight so hopefully it will run fine then..