Forum Discussion

jerkens's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

BE15 SQL 2012 - New Database Location for BEDB - failed to access the registry key

Hey, i would like to change the location for the BEDB from one SQL to another... I have a BE 15 Server (only BE installed) and a seperate SQL Server 2012 (both on W2k12) I did a backup of th...
  • pkh's avatar
    9 years ago

    With your present configuration, have you thought about how to recover your media server in the event that your data centre got wiped out and you have to start afresh?

  • CraigV's avatar
    9 years ago

    SQL Express locally installed works very well and is recommended by Veritas.


  • VJware's avatar
    9 years ago

    Any specific reason for not using the default SQL instance & choosing a remote SQL instance instead ?

    Would recommend a read at this blog as well -

    If there is a definite business requirement for moving over the SQL instance to a remote server, please check/advise the following - 

    1) Do not keep the new instance name as BKUPEXEC

    2) Are remote connection protocols such as Named Pipes, TCP/IP enabled at the remote SQL server ?

    3) Does the BE logon account have full permissions on the SQL registry hive at the remote SQL server ?