Forum Discussion

johnny99's avatar
Level 3
5 years ago

BE2012, BE15, BE21: Catalogization of imported bkf files failed - Encryption key cannot be retrieved

Dearest Veritas Community,

I feel really sorry to bother you at Easter. When I tried to catalog an imported BE2012 backup on a new server, a message "Encryption key (code) cannot be retrieved". Checked passphrase and created new key (same passphrase, 256, Fips 140-2 not activated, common access).

Also tried on different OS Windows 2008R2, Windows 2019 with combinations of Backup Exec: BE 2012, BE15 FP5, BE21. Same (old) Domainname. Same error.

Workaround according

Your help will be very appreciated.

Kindest regards


8 Replies

  • The same pass phrase that was used at the time of the backup should be put in.
    The Key name does not matter but pass phrase has to match.

    • johnny99's avatar
      Level 3

      Thank you very much. The passphrase was documented on separated and printed excel and is the same. Must be a technical issue.

      • Gurvinder's avatar

        by any chance, is the database BEDB.BAK ( database backup ) present from the time when the backup was taken ?

        Was the passphrase same for all the backup sets  or kept changing for different jobs which appended to the same tape ?

    • johnny99's avatar
      Level 3

      Yes. The same at the time, when we created the backup job. We wrote down the passphrase on an excel table, printed it out separately and stored it in a bank safe. I tried to name it the same. I may try a different name with same passphrase.
