Forum Discussion

AllisonW's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

BE2014 - Can't add Synology NAS

I'm running BE2014 (fully updated) on a Win 2012 R2 server.  I'm trying to add a Synology NAS as a file server - no agent can be installed, and it doesn't support NDMP, so I'm just wanting to backup the files available through Windows share (which is all of them).


User shares are enabled, and I've added the BESA to domain admins (which seems excessive, but I wanted to make absolutely sure it wasn't permissions).  From the BE server, I can ping the NAS, and vice versa, and there's no firewall between them.  I can pull up the shares in Windows Explorer with no issue.  The NAS is joined to the domain and getting its credentials from AD, and the domain admins are all NAS admins.


However, when I try to add it as a file or NDMP server, I get "The server was unable to complete the requested operation.  A communication error occurred when attempting to connect to this server.  Some common causes for this error are: the computer name is typed incorrectly, the computer is not powered on, a Backup Exec agent is not installed, or the network is improperly configured."  I've tried using the FQDN and IP both, with the same result.  I've added a number of Windows machines and a Linux machine with no issue.  We have sufficient licenses as well.


What am I missing here?  Thanks!

  • UPDATE:  Okay, this is very weird.  Just for fun, I rebooted and it's now fine.  Even though I'd rebooted yesterday at least once.  I have no idea what the issue was, or why it's fine now...:-/   Thanks for the help though, everyone!

8 Replies

  • Hi,


    The BESA has to be a member of the Domain Admins group at a bare minimum.

    Have you installed a RAWS agent on the media server?


  • It is a domain admin, yes.  (At a bare minimum?  What more could it be?)


    By media server, do you mean the server where the BE services are running?  If so, then yes it has a Windows Agent installed, and the server itself backs up successfully.

  • Add the NAS IP address to the HOSTS file on the media server which is the server on which BE is loaded.

    Also, make sure you have purchased and installed an AWS licence on the media server for the NAS.

  • Add the NAS IP address to the HOSTS file on the media server which is the server on which BE is loaded.

    Also, make sure you have purchased and installed an AWS licence on the media server for the NAS.

  • Isn't the "media server" the server where the BE services are?  If so, as mentioned above, there is definitely a license on it and it's definitely backing up properly itself.  Unless you mean something else by media server, in which case I'm unclear...

  • UPDATE:  Okay, this is very weird.  Just for fun, I rebooted and it's now fine.  Even though I'd rebooted yesterday at least once.  I have no idea what the issue was, or why it's fine now...:-/   Thanks for the help though, everyone!
  • Media server is the server which you load BE.  To backup a remote server or a remote device like the NAS, you need to buy an Agent for Windows Systems licence for each remote server/device and install it using the BE console.  This is on top of the core BE licence for the media server itself.

  • Ah - I see what you're saying.  I'd misread the statement "an AWS licence on the media server for the NAS" to mean a license needed to go on the NAS's media server (i.e. some sort of server dedicated to the NAS), instead of a license for the NAS needs to be on the central media server.  :-)  Hence my confusion.


    Regardless, yes, there were sufficient licenses.  And now it's working (see below), although I still don't know why it wasn't before.  Thanks, though!