Beckup Exec 16 upgrade to 20.2
We are trying make an upgradefrom version 16 to 20.2. We found tips from this forum and from Verias pages.
At first stage, OS is Windows Server 2008, so we made new installation of Windows Server 2012. New installation of BE 16 and Live Update to last version. We made copy of old Catalog folder to new Catalogs folder (copy and rename), copy of BEX* files from Data folder and made copy of database with beutility.exe. We made a new item in registry etcpath for deduplication engine. We found that new installation was in path Program File\Symantec while new installation is at Veritas. So there was needed edit BackupExecDeduplicationStorageFolder\etc\pdregistry.cfg from Symantec to Veritas. After these steps BackupExec 16 start working. All looks good and the same as in old WS2008. We tried make an established trust to one of servert and tried first backup. Succesfully. BTW Deduplication engine starts 20 minutes and has 7GBs in memory.
At this we has been tried to run upgade to 20.2. No warning for prerequisities (only not installed ADK). But installation failed. The return code from the MSI is: 1603. We found that setup must be run as administrator.
Next setup is more quick and installation failed too.
We tried to run deduplication engine and wait till Starting of service has been changed to Started exactly before last steps after that setup quickly fails.
We tried installation without without licences as trial. We tried maintanance of database, We tried made shorter path from which is iso mounted. Not helped anything. No solution. Not found help for error codes from attached log.
Till solution we've started normal backuping in version 16.
Problem has been solved with support case after 1,5 month. Only manual execution of upgrade to version 20.1 without deduplication engine and upgrade to 20.3 and fixes and manual installation of licenses.
Don't try upgrade without your agreement, that you will be two months without working solution.