Forum Discussion

ksdst1's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

BEX 2012

Hi.  I have BEX2012 SP "something" on W2008x86.  A full backup job was running B2D when the server restarted.  When I re-opened BEX the job had cancelled.  I needed to make room on the drive to be able to try the full backup again so I deleted ALL existing backup sets on the drive.  This should have also physically deleted all that backup data from the drive.  The problem is that it did not.  There are files on the drive still; server-name.DR, Folder.cfg, Changer.cfg, and a sequence of B2D003133.bkf to B2D003190.bkf files that is taking up space on the drive.

The restart during the full backup must have created a disjoint between these .bkf files and the "backup sets" inventory I deleted.  How should I handle all of the files I listed above to clear the backup drive that won't break things, etc?   I thought about re-configuring the storage drive but I thought it might acquire a new identifier or something that would cause problems??


  • Changer.cfg and folder.cfg are the configuration files for the B2D. These files are always present in a B2D. Id these are deleted, then the B2D needs to be recreated. And recreating the B2D should not be a problem.

    servername-.DR file is the .DR file of that particular server whose full backup (SDR enabled) was run. Deleting this file will affect SDR recovery of the server. Running another full backup will recreate this file.

    .bkf are the actual backup sets. From the Storage tab, choose the B2D and confirm if all backup sets are deleted or not. If not, try deleting them again and see if the sets are deleted from the physical disk. Else, try to delete the backup sets from the physical disk, inventory the disk from the UI and test the storage for a backup.

7 Replies

  • Hello, 

    have you tried running a small job to see if it will backup correctly?  

    There have been several hotfixes released to fix similiar issues.  Run Live updates to see if there is a hotfix available.


  • Hi,

    I don't quite understand how these suggestions address my issue.  There is still unused space on the backup drive but not enough for a full backup.  I need to clear the drive, and have before by merely deleting the backup sets within BEX as is the suggested method with BEX 2012.

    Since this method did not work this time, I'd like to know if I can manually delete the remaining files on the drive (which are server-name.DR, Folder.cfg, Changer.cfg, and a sequence of B2D003133.bkf to B2D003190.bkf files) without breaking anything.


  • might end up having to recreate the B2D.


  • The first suggestion was to run a small job to see if the current B2D still worked, but as CraigV said you might have to recreate the B2D anyway.

    The second suggestion was to run live updates to fix anything related to an DLM issue with Backup Exec not deleting data that should be when the backup sets are deleted in the BE console.

  • Instead of deleting your backup sets, you should have tried restarting your job.  This will probably resume your job from where it left off.  BE 2012 has a checkpoint-restart feature.

    By default, DLM will not delete the last recovery point even though it has expired.  To change this behaviour, see this document

  • Changer.cfg and folder.cfg are the configuration files for the B2D. These files are always present in a B2D. Id these are deleted, then the B2D needs to be recreated. And recreating the B2D should not be a problem.

    servername-.DR file is the .DR file of that particular server whose full backup (SDR enabled) was run. Deleting this file will affect SDR recovery of the server. Running another full backup will recreate this file.

    .bkf are the actual backup sets. From the Storage tab, choose the B2D and confirm if all backup sets are deleted or not. If not, try deleting them again and see if the sets are deleted from the physical disk. Else, try to delete the backup sets from the physical disk, inventory the disk from the UI and test the storage for a backup.

  • Tnx for the replies.  VJware, I took your suggestion and deleted the .bkf files from the physical disk, inventoried, and kicked off the full backup again.  Seems to be working fine!
