Forum Discussion

Agent_Fred's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Cannot inventory tapedrive


I use BackupExec 12.0. I cannot inventory my tape drive anymore. I ran a local backup job an it reaches the end of the tape. I was asked to put in another tape but I decided to cancel the job. I loaded a new tape but now I cannot inventory. The job is queued for a while then I am told that job fails with error: The BackupExec job enginge system service is not responding. I also cannot start a backup job; it tells me there's no media server (???)
What I have already tried:

Update BackupExec with all available hotfixes.
Restart services.
Restart whole Server.
Tried second tape drive. Same result.

Any ideas?


10 Replies

  •  Let us know what happens when you try inventory , does it fails , Queues etc .

    You can try deleting the drive from the BE console and restart the services . See if it comes back . Try doing an inventory then .  

    You can also verify you have symantec drivers installed and RSM ( Removable Storage Service ) disables in Services Conole on the server.
  • Thanks for reply.

    When I try to inventory, after some minutes the job status changes to "connection delayed". After some more minutes I get the message that the job fails because the system service of the backup exec job engine is not respponding.
    I deleted the drive and after restarting it comes back. Tried to inventory but same behavior. Same with second drive.
    I have installed latest symantec drivers. RSM service is not started.

    I was able to perform a backup job now with changing the target settings to overwright the tape. But I still cannot inventory even this tape.


  • Hi Agent Fred,

    What sort of hardware are you running your backups too?
    Are there any errors on it?
  • Hi,

    link above doesn't work. I use a IBM 3580 Tape drive with LTO-4 tapes and alternatively for testing a DLT drive from HP.
    No errors except some repairable reading and writing-errors.

    Not sure if these will help...

    Do you get the same error with the IBM and the HP? Are they connected to the same SCSI card, and are they terminated correctly?
  • Yes, same error on both drives. I changed nothing on the hardware and system works until recently. Yes, both drives are connected to the same controller. The IBM-Tapedrive external and terminated, the HP drive internal and also terminated. SCSI-Information are as follows:
    IBM: port 3, bus 0, target-ID 6, LUN 0
    HP: port 3, bus 0, target-ID 3, LUN 0

    I disconnected the HP drive, restarted the server and started an inventory job on the IBM-drive: same result.
  • No hardware errors.
    By the way I get same problem when I want to eject the tape with rightclick on the tapedrive and select eject.