Forum Discussion

Rob_Dullaart's avatar
10 years ago

bpduplicate to standalone tapedrive


I need to duplicate some backup images to a standalone tapedrive. I found posts how to add the tape and to label the tape with vmadd and bplabel. 
Also I found how to start duplicate the data to the tape in the stand alone tapedrive. I added two tapes with vmadd and bplabel to the tapedrive. 

But my tapedrive is an LTO2, which is native 200Gb and 400Gb compressed. The images I need to write to tape is about 460Gb. When the bpduplicate job is at about 370Gb the job just crashes and it doesn't let me add a new empty tape. 

Any ideas? 


  • I've not tried to duplicat to standalone. Is there maybe a pending request for next media popping up in device monitor?


    Otherwise, duplicate the images in batches that won't exceed the tape capacity.

  • I've not tried to duplicat to standalone. Is there maybe a pending request for next media popping up in device monitor?


    Otherwise, duplicate the images in batches that won't exceed the tape capacity.

  • Have you enabled media sharing? Media sharing and max number of partially full media go hand-in-hand.

  • It is solved, first I had the job running and I didn't pay attention. When I looked at the job again it was failed, probably because of a timeout. This happened several times. 

    Then I tried again and when I guessed the tape was almost full I looked at it until the messages came there was no space left also there was a mount request. Then I went to the server and the tape-drive. The tape was already ejected. When I put an empty tape in, which was already labelled, the job continued and finished successful.

  • Great, that is the pending request I was referring to. NetBackup asks you to assist when there is no robot involved to switch tapes.