Forum Discussion

Pike's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

DR file in Veritas\B2D folder on RDX backup disk

We're running Backup Exec 2012 Small Business Edition on our SBS2011 server and performing nightly back ups onto RDX disks.

As I understand it we need to keep a copy of the .DR file generated during backup in order for SDR to work, however I notice that BE saves a .DR file into E:\Veritas\B2D (where E: is the RDX disk). Is this file suitable for SDR? Does this mean we don't need to worry about making a copy of the .DR file in C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\sdr\Data\ or are the files on C: and on E: for different purposes? I notice that while the .DR file on any given RDX disk (E: drive) is about 6 MB, the .DR file on C: is about 2 MB.

Thanks for any clarification you can provide.

3 Replies

  • POST BE 2012

    BE will keep the .DR in the storage device as well in the data folder \Backup Exec\sdr\Data\

    This is by design.

    C:\ will keep the copy of the individual server`s DR file

    E:\ will keep the copy of the DR for all the servers that are backed up to that storage device (RDX)


  • The .DR files are normally kept at the master location, which would default to “<Backup Exec Install Path>\SDR\Data” directory and a copy of it will be made available at an alternate location, if an alternate location is specified. Apart from the above two locations, a copy of the .DR file is kept along with the Disk Storage (B2D) device as an added convenience to facilitate automatic discovery of it during the SDR process. Imagine if you are performing an SDR of the backup exec media server and you cannot access the .DR file from the master or the alternate locations but you still have your backup media (Disk Storage) that contains the backup of your BE media server. Having the .DR file along with the backup media (Disk Storage) simplifies the user’s effort of trying to locate their .DR file during SDR. The SDR recovery wizard will automatically find these .DR files when it looks for any local disk storage devices.

    In your case the .DR file created in C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\sdr\Data\ is 2MB because it contains server specific information and one .DR file will be created for every server for which a SDR backup is performed. If multiple SDR backup's are performed for a single server the .DR file is updated after every succesfull backup.

    The .DR file created on E:\ drive (RDX) is larger than the one on the C drive is because it holds information about all the SDR backups targeted to that storage device (RDX)

    I hope this answers your question.