Forum Discussion

snosurfur's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

Exchange 2010 Backup : Updating Catalogs Very Long

When backing up Exchange Server 2010 it appears to backup the data with zero issues.  However, it takes 20+ hours to run a Differential backup due to the length of time it takes to update the catalogs.  This was an issue for us in the previous version of Backup Exec 2010 R3.  The issue was not consistent though.  For instance; in 2012 we had an issue in late July and early December.  The issue in July seemed to correct itself?  The issue from December is still ongoing.

The backup rate is at about 282 MB/min.  Whereas while updating catalogs runs at about 1 MB/min.  This definitely appears to be the issue as the entire backup is less than 10GB.  The full backup runs normally and does not take an extended period of time while updating catalogs.

For all Exchange backups we are running GRT.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.