Exchange Backup Fails: 0xe00002f7 / V-79-57344-759 / VFF Open Failure
we are using Backup Exec 2010 R3 SP4 (Ver 13.0 Rev. 5204 (64Bit)) on Windows Server 2008 R2.
This Server is doing a Backup of an Exchange 2010 Server running on another Windows Server 2008 R2 via Remote Agent for Windows Servers.
The backup is running two times a day:
In the middle of the day to disk.
In the night to tape.
The Backup was running fine for several years.
Since 3 weeks the backup to tape fails, while the backup to disk still works fine.
Nothing was changed.
The error is (translated):
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe00002f7 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information.
Final error category: Resource Errors
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-759
Backup- \\"servername"\Microsoft Information Store\PRIVDB02
V-79-57344-759 - Unable to complete the operation for the following reason: VFF Open Failure. This can be caused by low memory or disk resources.
What we have already tried:
-Restart Server
-Update Backup Exec to newest Version
-Install Hotfix TECH164659
-Solutions from this articles:
-deleting an recreating the backup-job
-delting and reinstalling the remote agent
-deleting Files on Exchange Server to get more free disk space
-defining max cache size for Exchange Information Store to get more free RAM
-Installing all Windows an Exchange Updates (Exchange 2010 SP3 Update Rollup 7)
Nothing of the above did help, we are still getting the same error on backup to Tape while Backup to Disk runs fine.
Can anyone help?
Error in original language:
Sichern- \\"servername"\Microsoft Information Store\PRIVDB02
V-79-57344-759 - Der Vorgang für die ausgewählte Ressource unter Verwendung der angegebenen Optionen konnte aus folgendem Grund nicht beendet werden: Fehler beim Öffnen des VFF. Dies kann durch zu geringen Arbeits- oder Festplattenspeicher verursacht werden.
Auftrag beendet am Donnerstag, 25. September 2014 um 04:59:04
Abschlussstatus: Fehlgeschlagen
Endgültiger Fehler: 0xe00002f7 - Ein Extrahieren der Mailbox-Nachrichten aus dem Exchange-Backup ist nicht möglich. Im Auftragsprotokoll finden Sie zusätzliche Informationen.
Endgültige Fehlerkategorie: Ressourcenfehler
Zusätzliche Informationen zu diesem Fehler finden Sie unter der Verknüpfung V-79-57344-759
Try refering to the steps found in the following tech document:
Exchange GRT Full or differential backups fail with: Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup and VFF Open failure: