Forum Discussion

Vdang's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

0xe00002f7 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup

I have been having this random job failure. It started occurring as of BE 2012 and currently I have BE 2014 with service pack 2 installed. It only appear to occurred with our exchange backup job and to this particular mailbox. However, the strange thing about this is that the job going to Disk will always be successful, but when it duplicate to Tape it would sometime get the following error message.

Job ended: Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 5:31:59 AM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe00002f7 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information.
Final error category: Resource Errors
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-759

Click an error below to locate it in the job log

Duplicate- \\Galileo1\Microsoft Information Store\ExecutivesV-79-57344-759 - Unable to complete the operation.  The following error was returned when accessing the Exchange Database file:  '-1018 There is a checksum error on a database page. '


  • Afaik, this key applies to versions of BE from BE 2010 onwards. Create the OnHostTemp key on the BE server.

8 Replies

  • ...are you writing to a B2D? If so, do you have enough disk space when this error comes up?


  • Hello Craig,

    We have about 6TB free space during the time this job was running. Since then I have re-ran the job. However, what I have just notice is that for some strange reason BE is referencing a ese.dll file on another drive instead of our B2D location. I have just checked all of our backup setting and from what I can see it is all pointing to our D drive which is our B2D.

    Do you have an idea to why BE is creating the ese.dll in another drive?

  • Do you have an idea to why BE is creating the ese.dll in another drive?

    This happens due to the temporary staging location created. When Exchange backup runs to disk, the temp location is on the local BE server and if the backup runs to tape, the temp location is on the Exchange server. By default, the volume with highest amount of free space is chosen.

    This article may help in resolving the 1018 checksum errors -

  • Hello VJware,

    If that is the case how would I prevent BE/Exchange from picking the volume with the highest amount of free space? Can I actually manually specify the drive for this?

  • Yes, you can manually specify the desired location using a reg key "OnHostTemp".

    If running a backup to tape, then create this key on the Exchange server, else if running a backup to disk, create it on the BE server ~

    Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Exchange

    Right click and add a new String Value, "OnHostTemp".

    Right click and set the value of OnHostTemp to "C:\Temp"

    C:Temp being just an example. Restart the Remote Agent services for the changes to take effect.

  • Hello VJware,

    We currently have this job going to D2D then D2T so should this registry fix be apply on both the exchange and backup exec server? In addition, this does apply for Backup Exec 2014 correct, I just want to make sure and confirm before making any changes?

  • Afaik, this key applies to versions of BE from BE 2010 onwards. Create the OnHostTemp key on the BE server.