Forum Discussion

xylo's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Exchange Information Store not visible due to missing permissions


I have a little problem with setting up a backup job for Microsoft Exchange 2010. The whole system is set up as follows:

- Backup Exec Server 2012 on Windows Server 2008 R2
- Exchange 2010 Management Console is installed in exactly the same version as is on the SBS2011 (I'm able to access the Exchange Server through the management console installed on the Backup Exec Server)

- Microsoft Exchange 2010 on Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011, Agent for Windows is installed

- User domain\bexec was created in the AD and is member of the groups Domain Administrators and Exchange Organization Administrators, this user has also local Administrator privileges on all machines that need to be backed up
- User domain\bexec has a mailbox which is visible in the global address list
- The username domain\bexec is unique within the first five characters

However, somehow I am not able to backup the Exchange Server, the information store is not available for selection when I set up the backup job, just the HDDs and System State. When I run the Symantec Help Tool I get the following errors:


Does anybody know, if I'm missing something?

Thank you very much in advance

Best regards

  • Hello Xylo,

       Are you sure?? AS per the screenshot it seems that License for Agent for Applications & Databases is not installed.... (first line red mark)




  • Your screenshot shows that you have installed the Agent for Applications and Databases license, but you have not selected the option. You need to go to Install Licences and Options follow the dialogs and check the Agent for Applications and Databases option

10 Replies

  • Hi,


    Is that name for the BESA (bexec) unique? Try changing it to something like svc_bexec and try again. For good measure here's the TN relating to Exchange permissions for the BESA:


  • Hi CraigV,

    I tried all that and touble checked everything - also the variations in the username to make sure it is unique - but it doesn't work.

    What bugs me is, that the BE Support-Tool says, that the user has insufficient permissions which is clearly wrong.

    Any other suggestions?

    I first tried to get in touch with the technical support, but the guy from India who was assigned to my case promised me for three days now that he would call but I still haven't a word from him.



  • Hello Xylo,

       I know this could be a simple question but probably most important which cannot be ignored.....

    Is Agent for Application & Database license installed on the Media server??




  • It got a litte bit better. I changed the service user to svc_bexec and what happend was, that the support tool is now able to check if the name is unique. But still no luck with the permissions...


  • Hi Sush,

    yes, the license for "Agent for Applications and Databases" is installed on the media server.



  • ...remove the account from that server's local admin group and then add it back in again...


  • Hello Xylo,

       Are you sure?? AS per the screenshot it seems that License for Agent for Applications & Databases is not installed.... (first line red mark)




  • Your screenshot shows that you have installed the Agent for Applications and Databases license, but you have not selected the option. You need to go to Install Licences and Options follow the dialogs and check the Agent for Applications and Databases option
  • @pkh, Sush: Sorry, I forgot to mention, that somehow the installation of the Agent for Applications and Databases somehow didn't work - the installation dialog finished always without errors and since the Support Tool complained about missing user privileges I tried to fix that first.

    However, since the Symantec tech-support was not able to help me I decided to uninstall all Backup Exec applications and agents, the SQL-Database and reinstalled it - the backup seems to work fine now (at least I am able to see the Information Store and SQL-Databases on the SBS) - the first backup is currently running.


    Thank you all for you help and suggestions! :)


    Best regards,



    edit: how do i close this discussion?

  • Click on the Request Split Solution link under any comment and check the answers that has helped you the most