Exchange Mailbox permissions and Vault permissions
Exchange 2007 SP3 RU2
Our organization has roughly 9,000 mailboxes and about 2,000 of those are shared mailboxes. Permissions to these shared mailboxes are either assigned directly at the mailbox using Active Directory / Exchange security (ADUC or PowerShell) or the owner of the mailbox assigns permissions at the root of the mailbox (reviewer, editor, owner permissions, etc).
Enterprise Vault seems to acknowledge the permissions that are set via AD but not when the owner assigns permissions at the mailbox level. Because our org is as large as it is, I'm not necessarily looking to change the way we issue mailbox permissions, but I will if it means a more seamless Exchange > EV relationship.
Can EV see the mailbox-level permissions somehow, and issue permissions accordingly? Or do I need to use EVPM to script these permissions?
As always, I'm very grateful for any comments and assistance!
I think you are trying to over analyze this just a tad. If you want to verify exactly what permissions are on the archive use permissionbrowser.exe as JW2 mentioned above. I think that should give you a level of comfort moving forward.