Forum Discussion

Vitor_Martins's avatar
12 years ago

External USB disks in BackupExec 2012


I use a BE 2012 in a windoes server 2008 R2 and started make backups to external usb disk, configured a storage pool with 3 disks and works well, I found that needed more, I tried  create disk storage before adding to the pool already configured but, the new disk though seen by the OS is not recognized by BE, and I can not add it, disconnect all disks and connect just the new (never used in the poll) is automatically recognized as the first disk pool. How I can resolve this situation?

Anyone can help?

7 Replies

  • I read this article before do something.  My question is,  I tried  create disk storage before adding to the pool configured but, the new disk though seen by the OS is not recognized by BE, and I can not add it, disconnect all disks and connect just the new (never used in the poll) is automatically recognized as the first disk already part of the pool. How I can resolve this situation?



  •  I tried  create disk storage before adding to the pool configured but, the new disk though seen by the OS is not recognized by BE

    How do you managed to create the disk storage if the disk is not recognised by BE?

  • Hi,

    I go to: Storage/Configure storage/(Whith type...)Disk-based storage/Disk storage/(name of disk)/ and is not seen by BE as local disk, but is conected and SO assigned a letter....

  • Are you using a mapped drive?  If so, then it is not supported.  Mapped drives are associated with an online session and BE runs as a batch job.  For remote disks, you must connect to it using its UNC name.

  • Hi pkh,

    No, is a simple external usb disk, like the other 3 I add to storage poll.