Forum Discussion

Mark_Solutions's avatar
12 years ago

Final error: 0xe0000f02 - The Backup Exec server could not connect to the remote computer

Looking for some help please ...

A new install of BackupExec 2012 and all up to date via Live Update.

All on Windows 2008R2

I have a CASO server based at a DR site (on a 192 subnet) and two Media Servers based on the main site (10. subnet)

Got it all set up last week and added in a couple of clients over a couple of nights and it didn't go too bad so on Friday added all of the other clients in (they were all on BUE 2010 and backed up another installation) so that everything would run the full backup on Friday / Saturday.

This morning I find that nothing worked!! Not even the ones that worked last week.

All jobs fail with the message in the title - the full message being:

Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe0000f02 - The Backup Exec server could not connect to the remote computer. The remote computer may not exist on the selected subnet. Try an alternative network interface, or allow Backup Exec to choose any available network interface.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-3842

The Backup Exec server was unable to connect to remote machine (null) because a network interface matching the selected Backup via Network parameters could not be found.

Firewalls had been disabled last week but still seemed to have an effect so even though they are disabled rules have been added for most things (vxmon, beremote etc.)

I will be raising a case but was hoping for any ideas as i really need to get it going again - I have tested one off jobs this morning and nothing runs at all.

I can establish a trust from the CASO but If i go to a media server and try to establish a trust with a client i also now get an error:

"Invalid parameters for Interface"

BEMSDK Failure Code : - 536837663:X8

I cannot see what has changed in the last few days to cause everything to fail


  • Well all went well last night (or as well as ever for a new install - just the usual rights to SQL databases and the like popping up)

    So it would appear that Group Policy and User rename / rights combined to stop everything working.


6 Replies

  • Hi,


    Are your CASO server's services started up? If you centralised the job logs and catalogs and the CASO dies, this can cause issues.


  • CraigV - all looks to be up and running - the Backup Exec GUi also shos both Media Servers as being online so it does seem to be communicating with those - but no backup jobs work!

    Not sure if this helps but I enabled logging on one client and can see this (client name edited and replaced with "Client1") - the "remote" IP address shown is the clients own address:

    ConnectToServerEndPoint: dest=Client1, service=6101
    [2616] 2012-10-15T11:11:23.701 [BESocket]           - BETCPConnection::LoopThroughListAndConnect: Could not connect to remote address "" Error:10061.
    [2616] 2012-10-15T11:11:23.701 [BESocket]           - @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 640(0x280) retval = 0
    [2616] 2012-10-15T11:11:23.701 [BESocket]           - BETCPConnection::CreateConnectionFromHostAndPort: Remote Host: "Client1": There were no addresses returned, belonging to family: IPv6
    [2616] 2012-10-15T11:11:23.701 [BESocket]           - BETCPConnection::CreateConnectionFromHostAndPort: Could not create a connection to "Client1" because attempts with both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols failed
    [2616] 2012-10-15T11:11:23.701 [nrds]               - Could not create a BETCPConnection object from address: Client1 error=An error occurred during a socket connect operation: Error Code: 10061, System Error Message: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
    [2616] 2012-10-15T11:11:23.701 [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: connect to target=Client1 port=6101 failed
    [2616] 2012-10-15T11:11:23.701 [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: Security is enabled!!!

  • ...try disabling IPv6 and see if this has any impact.

  • Firewall service stopped and disabled on CASO and Media Servers and IPV6 also disabled on them - still doesn't work.

    On my second symantec case now as first case didn't apply to CASO!

  • May have this one cracked now but will confirm in the morning

    Looks like it os down to AD, Group Policy and all that!

    The BUE system account keeps getting removed from local admins, the firwall keeps turning back on and to add to things the system account user was renamed - only the display name but it may have added to things.

    The servers have been added to a new OU with just about nothing in their groups policy and inheritance denied, all services have been re-set using the name as browsed from AD and the firewall service has been stopped and disabled

    When i left site 2 manual backups were running OK and the rest will be kicked off tonight - so fingers crossed for what i find in the morning!

  • Well all went well last night (or as well as ever for a new install - just the usual rights to SQL databases and the like popping up)

    So it would appear that Group Policy and User rename / rights combined to stop everything working.