Forum Discussion

Marcus_Martin's avatar
12 years ago

Frage zur Sicherung nd Löschung

Guten Abend.

Folgende Umgebung habe ich beim Kunden.

Einen SBS2011 mit Backup Exec 2012 Small Business Edition installiert. Dort sind 2 iSCSI-Laufwerke angebunden, an der eine IOMEGA Storage hängt, auf der die Kundendaten liegen.

Der B2D-Folder liegt auf einer Netzwerkfreigabe auf einem W2K8-Server mit 4 TB Platz. Es laufen 3 Backup Jobs zur Vollsicherung der Daten.


Dieser W2K8 R2 Server ist mit Backup Exec 2012 als eigenständige Version ausgestattet, dessen Aufgabe es ist, die Backups des SBS auf Band zu sichern.

Meine Frage: Wenn ich auf dem W2K8 einen Backup Job anlege und die Backup-Dateien des SBS-Servers auf Band sichere und anschließend die Dateien über die Job-Konfiguration lösche, welche Auswirkungen hat das auf das Backup Exec des SBS Servers und wie kann ich das Problem umgehen?

Aufgrund von Platzmangel kann ich die SBS Backups für maximal einen Monat auf B2D vorhalten, danach werden die Backups überschrieben.

Die Daten wurden dennoch vorher auf Band gesichert. Wie wird ein Restore ablaufen, wenn der Kunde Daten von vor 2 Monaten z.B. benötigt?

  • I configured a workaround.

    On my first mediaserver I configured a B2D folder called Restore an deactivated this store

    When I do a restore from tape on the second mediaserver I restore all .bkf files and IMG-folders with the same date to that b2d folder.

    Then I activate the Restore Storage an configure an inventory annd catalog job of this storage on the first mediaserver. Now I have access to the backup files created with the first mediaserver an can restore files from it.

    I hope that will work.

7 Replies

  • Hi,


    Are you asking what happens to the data on tape if you delete it from a job selection list? If so, nothing...the data on tape is restorable until the tape is overwritten, after which all reference to it is gone.

    To restore it, put in the tape, inventory and catalog it, and then run your normal restore wizard to restore the data.


  • My Problem is that i have 2 different Backup Exec 2012 installations on two different servers. Every installation has its own database and catalog

    If i do a backup job to tape on the second server from data files of the first server and then i delete the data from the first server, which are now on tape, what happend with the catalog of the first Backup Exec installation?

  • Is it allowed that two differentt Backup Exec installations have access to one backup folder?

  • I am not sure if this is possible if you are using CASO, but this sharing is not desirable if the media servers are independent of each other.  They might end up trying to create a .bkf file with the same name.

  • In my opinion they can't create a.bkf with the same name because the second Media server never does a b2d job into the same b2d folder. His only job is to backup the .bkf files to tape.

    I don't know if two media servers can have access to one b2d folder because they create two .cfg into this folder an i suspect that they will overwrite these files to each other.

    My next idea ist to deinstall the media server on the sbs server and to import the licence from the sbs version into the second media server because i need the agents for exchange, sql and sharepoint.

    If i do so i have to install the agent to the sbs server and i hope that i can backup the sbs server by the second media server, right?

    Can I backup then the devices on the sbs-server which are connectet via iSCSI to the sbs-Server?

  • I configured a workaround.

    On my first mediaserver I configured a B2D folder called Restore an deactivated this store

    When I do a restore from tape on the second mediaserver I restore all .bkf files and IMG-folders with the same date to that b2d folder.

    Then I activate the Restore Storage an configure an inventory annd catalog job of this storage on the first mediaserver. Now I have access to the backup files created with the first mediaserver an can restore files from it.

    I hope that will work.