Forum Discussion

intricate's avatar
17 years ago

Ghost 10 cannot see my C: drive

After cloning my multi-partition disk to a new one, Ghost cannot see my C: drive, and when I go to define a backup schedule, the C: drive is not listed & so I can't select it.

Disk 0 : Partition 1 : C:\
Disk 0 : Partition 2 : D:\
Disk 1 : Partition 1 : U:\   (my 'old' C:\ before I cloned to Disk 0)
Disk 1 : Partition 2 : V:\   (my 'old' D:\ before I cloned to Disk 0)
Disk 1 : Partition 3 : N:\

both disks are SATA, and everything else seems to be working ok,
If I go to Define Backup , it shows : " Add protection to the following drives:  (U:\); data (V:\)"
Same thing on backup wizard : only partitions on Disk 1 are listed, nothing from Disk 0.

I haven't deleted the data yet on U: or V: , but i have started to use C: & D: * I intend to erase U & V once I get the backups running properly

I tried uninstall & then reinstall Ghost, but no difference afterwards.

Note when I was re-installing Ghost I got the following 2 error windows popped up :

Internet Explorer Script Error :
An error has occurred in the script on this page
Line   7
Char   1
Error   Member not found
Code    0
URL: res://C:\Program Files\Norton Ghost\GhostRes.dll/CfgWizRoadmap.htm

Do you want to continue running scripts on this page ? yes/no

Internet Explorer Script Error :
An error has occurred in the script on this page
Line   450
Char   2
Error   'MainFrame.m_aWizardPanels[..].m_TitleD' is null or not an object
Code    0
URL: res://C:\Program Files\Norton Ghost\GhostRes.dll/CfgWizRoadmap.htm

Do you want to continue running scripts on this page ? yes/no

I said yes both times &  Ghost finished installing regardless with no other issues except I can't select C:\ or D:\

Any help or suggestions appreciated
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