Ghost restore jobs on AM
Hello All,
One of our customers wants to know why there are some 'ghost' restore jobs on the activity monitor every Sunday night.
These jobs start at midnight (00:00) every Sunday and some errors are reported in Problem reports at the same time.
error messages :
Error 0 General Could not connect to for virtual browse operation, errno=0, bpcd_status=48
11 messages for 11 restore jobs.
The restore jobs don't show anything only requesting resources and status code is 0.
we looked up into bprd, nbpem, nbjm, bpdbm logs, and all what I can find is some information regarding the execution time and something like :
9/20/2020 00:00:57.898 [ExportRequest::getName] (00000000038B4E50) request has no name(ExportedResource.cpp:1965)
(000000000505BD40) NO matching exported resource for request of type=13, reqNum=0, consume=false(ExportedResourceMgr.cpp:626)
in bprd logs, I can see that there is an nbdeployutil started at the same time but I don't know from which server has initiated it.
We checked the task scheduler on master, opscenter we found nothing and on the opscenter, in reports, we didn't find any report that is executed at that time.
But I suspect this comes from the Opscenter, because of this technote
On the scl.conf file, this line was already commented :
Any ideas please?
Master server: Windows Server 2016
NBU version: 8.2
Not sure I can fully answer your question, but I can give you some help.
- The NetBackup master server will run an incremental nbdeployutil every Sunday night at midnight. This is new and used by Smart Meter to provide for continual reporting back to Veritas on license usage. The files are available for you to examine - on Windows they can be found under <INSTALL>\Veritas\NetBackup\var\global\incremental (log files and previous nbdeployutil reports).
- The OpsCenter item would need to be uncommented to make a difference. Although that tech note relates to NetBackup so not sure if it is relvant still (no harm in trying though).
As for the ghost restore jobs - no idea, I've never seen that before. Can you share some more details on the jobs themselves (such as job details, assuming there are any)?
Refer to his URL for details on how to control the nbdeployutil scheduling to see if this is causing the ghost jobs:
Hello davidmoline ,
I just got an update regarding this case, by disabling nbedployutil (by setting the value FREQUENDY_BY_DAYS=0 in nbdeployutilconfig.txt) the client didn't get any error or restore jobs and he's happy with it..
I don't know if disabling nbdeployutil is a good thing or not? could you please advise regarding this?
Thank you;