Forum Discussion

Craig_Groves's avatar
18 years ago

Granular restore of mail items is failing

Exchange 2003. I am trying to perform a test of granular restore of an individual mail item from a Store backup, but get this error on each attempted restore:

V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.
Access denied to directory Mailbox Store 250MbGroves, Craig Top of Information StoreSpam Mail.

I get the same error even when redirecting to the service account mailbox which is housed on the same server. This account is a delegated Administrator and a local Administrator on the server. It has some inherited Deny permissions on the mailbox, but even when I made it a domain admin, broke inheritance and removed all denies on the Store, the restore failed. And I didn't have to do those things to get backups working in the first place.

What permission is not needed to perform backups but is needed for restores?

7 Replies

  • The only account I can get to restore mailboxes is the domain "Admin" account that installed Exchange, have you tried that one?
  • Similar to the old brick level backup of mailboxes, performing a restore of a mailbox from a GRT backup of the store requires delegated authority within Exchange. A good way to test out rights for backup and restore is to test out backup / restore using the old method for mailbox backups. Go into Tools | Options | Microsoft Exchange and check the 'Enable legacy mailbox support...' box then do a test backup and restore of a mailbox with an account that will be used for your store backups. This will let you know whether the account is sufficient. Delete this test backup and uncheck the legacy mailbox checkbox when you are finished testing.

  • The account has been delegated Administrator rights to the Exchange Administrative Group (I have also tested as Exchange View Only Administrator).

    I tested the legacy mailbox backup and restore and it worked. But restoring to the same mailbox using the same account using GRT still fails:

    Restore- \\SYDSEX4\Microsoft Information Store\Storage Group 1 V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.
    Access denied to directory Mailbox Store ResourcesEX4backup Top of Information StoreInbox.

    In this test the backup/restore account is failing to restore to its its own mailbox. It is also failing to restore to another mailbox. Using Outlook, the backup/restore account can open this other mailbox and view/create/delete items.

    Currently I have followed to give the account the necessary rights for ExMerge. It has no Denies on any Exchange permissions through any group membership (it is currently not a Domain Admin, just a local Admin on the backup and Exchange server), and all Allow permissions are selected except Associated External Account.

    (I also tried one restore using the Exchange install account for Resource Credentials, same failure)
  • Hi,

    Please move the mailboxes from the storage group that is having problem. Delete this empty storage group. Recreate it with the same name and same path. Again move the mailboxes to this recreated storage group and then try to restore.

  • I have tried to restore from/to two different Storage groups on this server, so I don't think moving mailboxes around will help.
  • At the risk of sounding like I'm trying to teach my grandmother how to suck eggs; is the account that owns the mailbox enabled and can it access it with exchange, are there size limits on the mailbox that have been reached/breached.

    What would happen if you used the owners account to conduct the restore?
  • Hello,

    Have you installed the hotfix 2 already? Here are the links for the same:

    If you are using backup exec on a 32 bit machine:

    If Backup Execs installed on a 64 bit, please download the hotfix from the following URL:

    Please push install the remote agents thereafter.
