Harddisk run's out of disk space
Hi Community,
I am using Backup Exec 2010 R3 with Server Side Deduplication. My Backup runs now for a couple of weeks and now I noticed that my disk space on drive C: is getting low.
In the folder
C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs\PDVFS
the data amount is about 90 GB. Files in this folder are named
Most of the files are about 100 MB in size. To free up space I moved the files to another volume.
I figured out that the logs must be generated during a Full Backup at weekend.
I already checked this article
regarding logfile troubleshooting. But none of the settings are set in my environment.
Is there a way to configure Backup Exec to save these files in a different location.
What will happen when I delete the files. Is there a procedere to get rid of these files?
Many thanks for your attention!
Best regards
After installing SP2. The erros were gone.
Thanks to everybody!